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Reloaded season 2 Sdk problem

(1/2) > >>

Hi, i saw similar topics already about this problem for the 2238 sdk but the solutions doesnt work for me.

Gameserver host : local host port : 2238
Proxy : local host port : 8080

Master and critter dat are in the client folder and the path is set correctly in fo2238Config

The mapper works fine, all the tools work fine. I just cannot launch nor register.
The registering screen show errors everywhere and special are all set to 0.

I just extracted reloaded 2nds session source from the reloaded forum and put critter and master in client folder.

set port to 4000 and will be fine

I have already tried this port it does not work.

Here is fonline log loads of errors if someone can point me towards whats wrong:

Starting FOnline (version 0423-EC)...
Engine initialization...
Sprite manager initialization...
GraphicLoader::LoadEffect - Unable to compile effect, effect<Primitive_Default.fx>, errors<
error X3539: ps_1_x is no longer supported; use /Gec in fxc to automatically upgrade to ps_2_0
error X3539: Alternately, fxc's /LD option allows use of the old compiler DLL

D:\developpement\Client\memory(31,19): ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: There was an error compiling expression
ID3DXEffectCompiler: Compilation failed
Sprite manager initialization complete.
Sound manager initialization...
Sound manager initialization complete.
LanguagePack::LoadAll - Unable to load MSG<FOTEXT.MSG>.
LanguagePack::LoadAll - Unable to load MSG<FODLG.MSG>.
LanguagePack::LoadAll - Unable to load MSG<FOOBJ.MSG>.
LanguagePack::LoadAll - Unable to load MSG<FOGAME.MSG>.
LanguagePack::LoadAll - Unable to load MSG<FOGM.MSG>.
LanguagePack::LoadAll - Unable to load MSG<FOCOMBAT.MSG>.
LanguagePack::LoadAll - Unable to load MSG<FOQUEST.MSG>.
LanguagePack::LoadAll - Unable to load MSG<FOHOLO.MSG>.
LanguagePack::LoadAll - Unable to load MSG<FOCRAFT.MSG>.
LanguagePack::LoadAll - Unable to load MSG<FOINTERNAL.MSG>.
CritType::InitFromMsg - Default zero type not loaded.
Load scripts...
Main script section not found in MSG.
Interface initialization.
Load data.
Load sprites.
Interface initialization complete.
Item manager initialization...
Item manager initialization complete.
Hex field initialization...
Hex field initialization complete.
Engine initialization complete.
Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
Network init...
Connecting to server<localhost:2238>.
Can't connect to proxy server, error<WSAECONNREFUSED, 10061, No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.>.
Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
Engine finish...
Traffic: send<0>, receive<0>, whole<0>, receive real<0>.
Disconnect success.
Resource manager finish...
Resource manager finish complete.
Hex field finish...
Hex field finish complete.
Sprite manager finish...
Sprite manager finish complete.
Sound manager finish.
Sound manager finish complete.
Engine finish complete.
FOnline finished.

Check if you set proper port in FOnlineServer.cfg


--- Quote from: fonliner on May 06, 2016, 04:01:57 pm ---Check if you set proper port in FOnlineServer.cfg

--- End quote ---

In FOnlineServer.cfg the port is set correctly. Its the default port i didnt change anything ive tried 4000 and 2238. Either way i dont know why i should change the default port.

I Also posted the fonline log of errors in one of my previous posts. It should point you towards whats wrong cause me I have no idea whats wrong.
It seems its unable to load some files and connect to the server (local host). Disabling windows firewall doesnt change anything either.


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