#pragma crdata "Kill 260 282" as example (usually found in _defines) -- adds Critter::Kill and Critter::KillBase properties to scripts, which makes code a little more readable and always result in error if you try to set a param outside of specified range. Critter::Param and Critter::ParamBase [always added by engine] does not have such restriction.
In that case it may useful, as kills counter param is never set directly, but based on ST_BODY_TYPE; if, for any reason, killed critter would have this param set to >=40, and you'd use Critter::Param instead of Critter::Kills, attacker gets a free perk (their params start at 300) for killing something -- obvious bug easily prevented and reported in logs.
::*Base property is used to read/write "
raw" values, whatever you set is stored in character file and sent to client, while other variant is is read-only and may be processed before returning value to scripts. SPECIAL params, on most servers, always return 1-10, no matter what base value is. If you set ST_STRENGTH to 1207, Critter::Stat[0] will always return 10, as value is limited by dlls before passed to scripts. If you set it to 0, you'll get 1. ST_PERCEPTION may return 1 if you have damaged eye. And so on, and so on ... one could say that Critter::ParamBase is 'expectations' and Critter::Param is 'reality'

I hope at least half of this post makes sense.