Other > Survival Guides / Game Help
Is the server down? if no i'm *&^*ing pissed the hell off i'm trying every freaking thing i can to connect to server Buutt it doesn't want to. twice it tried to work it said Connection established authentication... and took me back to login DX
Please help D:
--- Quote from: Librarian ---Server status: Online. Players: 527 Uptime: 4h 28m 4s, ping to server is about 22 ms
--- End quote ---
Restart client, re-check your password and login (press CTRL in the main menu screen)
I'm not entering it wrong i only use 2 passwords and 2 names.
I tried making a new character again. and its still doing it DX
Trash this...
i was being a moron i downloaded from wrong place.
Myy bad..
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