« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2015, 12:45:06 pm »
7. Inner logic:- buffer.fos
- buffer_h.fos
- buffer_lazy.fos
- buffer_lazy_h.fos
- Internal buffer structures.
- cfg_file.fos
- Scripts to read configuration files.
- chosen_actions_h.fos
- chosen_tabs.fos
- Something to do with player interface/actions? Definitely inner logic.
- config.fos
- config_h.fos
- config_file.fos
- config_file_h.fos
- Configuration of server, some of the client?, config file scripts, etc.
- counters.fos
- counters_h.fos
- Configuration of server, some of the client?, config file scripts, etc.
- crippling.fos
- The script for periodic crippling and damaging of npcs in towns. No clue what this is, or why, where is needed.
- critical_failures.fos
- critical_table.fos
- Critical failures and critical table list, only edit with a specific tool: CritableEditor
- critter_age.fos
- critter_age_h.fos
- critter_description.fos
- critter_item_movement.fos
- Related to critter data, some functions about aging, description related to stats and script regarding critter item usage/swap, etc.
- debug_h.fos
- debug.fos
- Debugging related, mostly log writing.
- entire.fos
- A few helper functions related to entires.
- event_utils.fos
- Some helper functions for events through dialogues.
- groups_h.fos
- Faction definnes, reputation gain and limits defines.
- hexShot.fos
- hexThrow.fos
- Reloaded version 2.
- Hex shoot with Rocket launcher, grenate launcher and throwing grenades on hexes.
- ini_parser.fos
- A few scripts to read ini files.
- item_achievemntbook.fos
- item_attributes.fos
- item_bag_containers.fos
- item_bonus.fos
- item_brahmin_dung.fos
- item_dogtags_h.fos
- item_dogtags.fos
- item_dynamic_h.fos
- item_dynamic.fos
- item_flare.fos
- item_holodisk.fos
- item_lock.fos
- item_mapdoor.fos
- item_misc_h.fos
- item_misc.fos
- item_perks_h.fos
- item_perks.fos
- item_radio.fos
- item_skills.fos
- item_spawner_container.fos
- item_stealth.fos
- item_tent.fos
- item_pid_h.fos
- item_pid.fos
- Item related scripts.
- Blueprints in crafting related section.
- lexems_h.fos
- lexems.fos
- Lexems related script. (Dialogue logic).
- linetracer_h.fos
- linetracer.fos
- Utilities for tracing, pathfinding/critter-gathering functions.
- logging_h.fos
- logging.fos
- logging_critter.fos
- Utilities for tracing, pathfinding/critter-gathering functions.
- main_planes.fos
- main.fos
- Most important and basic stuff handled here, like skills, using items, etc.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2015, 09:29:38 am by Slowhand »
