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FOnline SDK scripts overview
5. Quests:
* golden_globes.fos
* Mostly dialogue related scripts, related to the Golden Globe. (Not sure if it is used at all, some kind of pornography quest/misc/whatever)
* junktown_skumpitt.fos
* Junktown skumpitt event.
6. Crafting:
* blueprints.fos
* Creating, randomizing blueprints.
* fix_boy.fos
* fixboy_h.fos
* fixboy.fos
* Crafting related scripts.
* item_blueprint.fos
* Blueprints related scripts.
7. Inner logic:
* buffer.fos
* buffer_h.fos
* buffer_lazy.fos
* buffer_lazy_h.fos
* Internal buffer structures.
* cfg_file.fos
* Scripts to read configuration files.
* chosen_actions_h.fos
* chosen_tabs.fos
* Something to do with player interface/actions? Definitely inner logic.
* config.fos
* config_h.fos
* config_file.fos
* config_file_h.fos
* Configuration of server, some of the client?, config file scripts, etc.
* counters.fos
* counters_h.fos
* Configuration of server, some of the client?, config file scripts, etc.
* crippling.fos
* The script for periodic crippling and damaging of npcs in towns. No clue what this is, or why, where is needed.
* critical_failures.fos
* critical_table.fos
* Critical failures and critical table list, only edit with a specific tool: CritableEditor
* critter_age.fos
* critter_age_h.fos
* critter_description.fos
* critter_item_movement.fos
* Related to critter data, some functions about aging, description related to stats and script regarding critter item usage/swap, etc.
* debug_h.fos
* debug.fos
* Debugging related, mostly log writing.
* entire.fos
* A few helper functions related to entires.
* event_utils.fos
* Some helper functions for events through dialogues.
* groups_h.fos
* Faction definnes, reputation gain and limits defines.
* hexShot.fos
* hexThrow.fos
* Reloaded version 2.
* Hex shoot with Rocket launcher, grenate launcher and throwing grenades on hexes.
* ini_parser.fos
* A few scripts to read ini files.
* item_achievemntbook.fos
* item_attributes.fos
* item_bag_containers.fos
* item_bonus.fos
* item_brahmin_dung.fos
* item_dogtags_h.fos
* item_dogtags.fos
* item_dynamic_h.fos
* item_dynamic.fos
* item_flare.fos
* item_holodisk.fos
* item_lock.fos
* item_mapdoor.fos
* item_misc_h.fos
* item_misc.fos
* item_perks_h.fos
* item_perks.fos
* item_radio.fos
* item_skills.fos
* item_spawner_container.fos
* item_stealth.fos
* item_tent.fos
* item_pid_h.fos
* item_pid.fos
* Item related scripts.
* Blueprints in crafting related section.
* lexems_h.fos
* lexems.fos
* Lexems related script. (Dialogue logic).
* linetracer_h.fos
* linetracer.fos
* Utilities for tracing, pathfinding/critter-gathering functions.
* logging_h.fos
* logging.fos
* logging_critter.fos
* Utilities for tracing, pathfinding/critter-gathering functions.
* main_planes.fos
* main.fos
* Most important and basic stuff handled here, like skills, using items, etc.
8. Client specific:
* client_access.fos
* client_access_h.fos
* Client access level (User, Admin, etc?).
* client_anti_cheat.fos
* client_anti_cheat_h.fos
* Client anti cheat mechanic. Logic specific, values set sound like too high to work anyways.
* client_broadcast.fos
* Client broadcasting, receiving Town Control broadcasts.
* client_combat.fos
* Client combat, partial ofc, most of logic is in server combat script.
* client_cotainer_volume.fos
* Client container volume scripts.
* client_cutscene.fos
* Can disable keyboard, mouse and hide cursor for cutscenes.
* "Never even started to have any functionality" - Wipe.
* client_dev_menu.fos
* client_gmtools.fos
* client_gmtools_chat.fos
* client_gmtools_macro.fos
* client_gmtools_menu.fos
* Developer menu (check GM tutorial how to access it in game).
* client_followers_menu.fos
* Followers menu/commands.
* client_fov.fos
* Field of view, calculation of sight, drawing of fog, etc.
* client_gui.fos
* client_gui_barter.fos
* client_gui_elevator.fos
* client_gui_ex.fos
* client_gui_h.fos
* client_gui_regwindow_ex.fos
* All the GUI elements, like character creation, trade window, etc.
* client_interface_h.fos
* client_interface.fos
* Uhm, some kind of interface, I guess used by the other gui scripts.
* client_io.fos
* Keyboard and mouse handling.
* client_keybinds_h.fos
* client_keybinds.fos
* Script to map keys.
* client_main.fos
* Main client scripts, uses the other scripts.
* client_mapper_animations.fos
* Lengthy switch case scripts for mapper, supposedly to do animations?
* client_messages.fos
* Scripts related to messages. Funny thing, there were some implementations to simulate if your char has low int and speak accordingly.
* client_online_stats.fos
* XFire (an online gamer chat like Steam) related online stat sharing? Not used I guess.
* client_recording.fos
* Record and playback game play? Not sure if it works, but probably not important either.
* client_screen_gameinfo_h.fos
* client_screen_picture.fos
* client_screens_h.fos
* client_screens.fos
* Aim target bodyparts screen?
* client_smart_cursor_h.fos
* client_smart_cursor.fos
* Smart cursor that detects if you have the available tool to harvest the specific material.
* client_spawn_npc.fos
* No clue what this is for.
* client_timeouts.fos
* Used for timeouts, like First Aid, Battle, custom timeouts, etc..
* client_utils_h.fos
* client_utils.fos
* Utility function for client, like colors, fonts, etc.
9 Misc:
* attach.fos
* Some utility functions, related to radiation.
* backend.fos
* backend_h.fos
* Logging related scripts, definitions.
* bank_vault.fos
* Not sure where this is used, if used at all.
* billboards.fos
* Script that links the dialogues to billboards in Hub, NCR and in Boneyard.
* books.fos
* Script related to reading skill books, like First Aid, Science, etc.
* bounties.fos
* bounty_poster.fos
* bounties_h.fos
* Scripts related to bounties on players.
* cheats.fos
* cheats_core_h.fos
* cheats_help.fos
* Scripts related to cheat, probably for GM mode, did not bother to explore.
* companions_h.fos
* companions.fos
* Scripts related to companions.
* dev_menu.fos
* devconnect.fos
* Developer connection, menu, commands.
* effects.fos
* Effects like screen shake Not sure if it is used in reloaded.
* foart.fos
* foart_2038.fos
* foart_addons.fos
* foart_client.fos
* foart_h.fos
* foart_mapper.fos
* foart_server.fos
* FOnline art?
* gm.fos
* gmtools.fos
* gmtools_csc.fos
* gmtools_h.fos
* Game Master tools related scripts.
* grave.fos
* Scripts related to opening graves.
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