Author Topic: Need a toturial for adding new graphics/objects for the mapper.  (Read 2466 times)

Offline Slowhand

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Does anyone know a tutorial on how to add new graphics/obeject to the mapper? I want to use it for making maps easier, for example I saw in a post, someone added a sight range viewer object, that measured the distance in the 6 directions, but can't find it anymore.

Re: Need a toturial for adding new graphics/objects for the mapper.
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2015, 01:17:39 am »
Create a graphic with desired size save it as png with transparent or full blue alpha background and add it to glcient either by .zip or placement of file in some folder. Open respective ( if weapons then weapon.proto etc. ) proto file with Object Editor add new object at topdown opend menu in left upper corner of application and start editing with gui st bottom. At the end after you're sure u finished selecting graphics, parameters etc. save list to respective proto that you're editing. Make sure ID is not taken and look up if item exists ingame by doing ~ais command.

Mapper automatically feeds list from server so it's only matter of not replacing ID and selecting proper category for an object.

Offline Wipe

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Re: Need a toturial for adding new graphics/objects for the mapper.
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2015, 03:52:49 am »
If your object is an Item, you may want to add it's PIDname to ItemNames.lst [for dialog editor] and _itempid.fos/itempid.h [for scripts] - that's not required at all to make new things fully functional, more like good practice IMHO.

Trash item may become crafting component, doors may require special handling and so on... Less items other devs have to dig before connecting some feature to them in future, more grateful they gonna be :)
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