Author Topic: Question: Applying map changes to client after using mapper. (Solved)  (Read 2426 times)

Offline Slowhand

  • Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!
Using FOnline: Reloaded source, I have the following problem:

I did some changes in a map (hub) and saved it, checked it. (Added and NPC and removed another NPC). I cleaned the server, then started it. My problem is, that the changes on the server, do not appear on the client. Going to the Hub using the client, will show the old NPC and not the new one. I can't use the updater, even if I start the server, at localhost:4040 it does not find anything. Also tried copying the map files to the update zip, similar to, but did not work either.

Does anyone know what to do? I just want to test the maps I create/modify, but can't, because the client does not know of the changes.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 03:51:20 pm by Slowhand »

Offline Ghosthack

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Re: Question: Applying map changes to client after using mapper.
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2015, 11:42:11 pm »
The location/map needs to be recreated. The easiest way (if you are developing) is to just delete worldsave and let it recreate. ~regenmap should work otherwise but there could be some issues.

Offline Slowhand

  • Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!
Re: Question: Applying map changes to client after using mapper.
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2015, 12:47:28 am »
Thank you. I found out so far, that if I remove design, like a cart from hub, it get's updated, but if I remove NPC's it doesn't. Also adding items did not work, I will delete the save/world001 files. But, what is that ~regenmap command? Mapper does not recognise it, where do I have to type it?

Btw, if I manage to make new maps with scripts successfully this week, I will make a complete tutorial about it, to get newbies like me started, bc it's so frustrating that info about this is scattered all around, or written in non english language.

P.S.: Deleting the worldsave files worked. Ty again.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 12:54:34 am by Slowhand »

Offline Ghosthack

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You type it in-game in the chat console after authenticating as admin with ~getaccess <access type> <password>.

Please see,29382.0.html for a guide on how commands work, since reloaded is based on 2238 source, it should all apply.
~regenmap was from my fuzzy memory (since it used to be called that), I think it was changed to ~loadmap pid so try that.

The build-in/hardcoded commands are not listed there, but they are as follows:
Code: [Select]
~gameinfo type
~id name
~move crid hx hy
~kill crid
~disconnect crid
~respawn crid
~param crid index value
~additem hx hy pid count
~additemself pid count
~addnpc hx hy dir pid
~addloc wx wy pid
~loadscript name
~runscript module func param0 param1 param2
~loadlocation pid
~loadmap pid
~loaddialog name id
~checkvar tid_var master_is_npc master_id slave_id full_info
~setvar tid_var master_is_npc master_id slave_id value
~settime tmul year month day hour minute second
~ban [add,add+,delete,list] [user] [hours] [comment]
~deleteself user_password
~changepassword current_password new_password
~log flag

If you want english help come to #fodev on forestnet irc and share the suffering