FOnline Development > Questions and Answers

New worldmap and wordmap editor

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Hi there,

Sorry if the question was already asked ( i have searched on forum before ) is there a way to change worldmap image with the worldmap tool
on 2238 sdk?



Yes, change graphics\worldmap.png into your own png to change it in the editor. Note that the scale should be the same.

If you mean the actual game. This is done via client ini files and WM files. Look at art\intrface\faction*.ini files extracted from the client data files.

--- Code: ---GmapTilesPic=wmbig\wrldmp%02d.png

--- End code ---
Is where you define how many parts the WM should consist of, and the relief file which needs to be created for terrain calculations to work. is the mask file used by fo2238 and it's placed in maps dir so it can be used by the server.

--- Code: ---art\intrface\wmbig
--- End code ---
contains the graphical tiles themselves.

I'm sure I've forgotten some things.

Thanks it work !!!! :)

Is there a way to delete all the location on worldmap (worldmap tool) without getting a bunch of error when starting the server? ( it keep trying to load old maps)

I have a script error and a fail to start server.

Aw , i guess i have to delete all scripts related to each location/map one by one?

Try to remove train and caravan routes. I never did it but I think it should be possible in the world editor.

It's possible that there will be other errors if some scripts rely on existence of a particular location.
You would have to identify those scripts (by reading the log) and disable them.


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