Other > Closed suggestions

Banks should hold ur stuff too

<< < (2/5) > >>

yes they have to tag you and stand next to you.

I don't really think people get tagged and fucked with random people seeing their tent; I was just adding this to show how cool tents are, since they can be shared with friends.

That sounds really awesome. If you are a few, you can scramble to get the ten pieces and create it "together"... How much science is needed?


--- Quote from: Zpider on March 30, 2010, 09:47:29 pm ---That sounds really awesome. If you are a few, you can scramble to get the ten pieces and create it "together"... How much science is needed?

--- End quote ---

No requirement, you just need to use it. Players needs to be in same encounter as you and have you tagged to make it so that when the tent is created, it will show up for them too.

I guess that by tag you mean the "arrow pointing at three people"-icon ingame? ("follow-mode").. a bit OT, but is there a list to what each icon actually does? especially the ones that seems to be about "good" or "bad".

well now that we're off-topic...

good and bad change the person's name color (they show when you press F6, by the way) to respectively green and red. It doesnt happen instantly, a quick log-out log-in should do the trick.

It actually tweaks the Namecolorizing.txt file in Fonline folder. You might want to have a quick look at it someday.


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