Honnestly, that's one of the reason I took break of FOnline,
- FOnline2 ; Man, lets start with the name, the devs of this server can't even justify valid argument why they are using this name when they're very far of having make a
FOnline 2. To specifics, they are just simulating mostly a between 2238/TLA MK2 with some scripts like "ShopKeeper" (made by wladimmir

, and no there's no credits for the using contents they are using on their server with the names of the orignial authors writed, because credit is for gentlemens(there). Seriously don't expect this server to live long, and about their community who is from an old-cheesy puffs box expired where you aren't open and free of opinions without having a clown who absolutely need to give his 2 cents all the times.
Their new progressing systems, they said it's suppose to be best thing so far that FOnline will have had, well.. unless you are accros to your Psycho and have 1 PE, this systems are made for slowing down the progression of the players for give the devs there to have the opportunity to make what they want, yes seriously, like if they want they can make you use just an metal armor and hunting rifle for 6/7/8 months for next progression for realise it's just HK CAWS you'll get, unless you realise like the other similar servers there's one day, the holy day, where the wipe come. From the side of the devs, that's very cool and funny to see your statistic of clients on the server have nice numbers + you have all the time for make and do what you want with your server, on the other side you're just a hamster spinning and grinding like.
From what all I said, everyone is free do what they want, anyway i'm just here for warning what is the true colors of this server, don't expect to meet people like GMs or any Devs like here, don't expect just anythings. You're warned now.
P.S : You better try AoP/TLA MK2/Reloaded if you wanna play something who really will give you something for your time/money and make you feel play a FOnline.