FOnline Development > Questions and Answers
Dual wielding
We've been talking about implementing dual wielding in the game. Is that sort of thing supported with current 3D models? Is it possible to support programmatically? Anyone tried this before?
You would need new animations, at least for the action animation (using the weapons). Also the technical aspect- how do you equip 2 weapons at the same time? ... Wouldn't do this, imo. First because this is falling into the "rule of cool" category and second, because in real nobody seriously goes akimbo with weapons. Third, from a technical point of view it is too much a hassle. Save your time and do something that is more worth it.
Yes, this is one of those low priority things on our TODO list. I wanted to throw it out here so I can get opinions from experienced developers if something like this is even feasible. Thanks for your feedback bro!
Heh, i always was a fan of dual wield in games, but i wouldn't go with full scale mechanics for it (like, let's say, in Baldur's Gate) with FOnline engine. Maybe something simple - when wearing pistol in both hands change skin to dual-wield and modify AP cost of weapon in main hand. During attack, increase min/max damage to x1.5-x2 and override animation with a proper dual shooting. Only thing to remember is to keep rifles better than 2x best pistol.
Looks good for me on paper monitor, wonder if it would work ingame ;D
I wouldn't throw the idea away becouse nobody does that in reality. Could be a nice temporary addition during levelling; after all sooner or later player will switch to better gear anyway (what's another reason why i'd keep it simple).
what about dual wielding but with a max hit chance of ~75% ? probably some people will like risky builds like that, even on max level, if dual wielding CAN do more damage than using only one small two-hand weapon.
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