Author Topic: What happened to wasteland 2155?  (Read 7255 times)

Offline LagMaster

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What happened to wasteland 2155?
« on: July 03, 2014, 12:47:35 am »
I followed it, and now the site is free, what happened to it? it had great potential.

Offline Lexx

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Re: What happened to wasteland 2155?
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2014, 03:40:05 pm »
I'll guess it died somewhere shortly before 2238 sources got released. Kind of a shame, because the limited worldmap was a good thing, imo. 2238 is way too big in size.

Re: What happened to wasteland 2155?
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2014, 01:27:35 am »
Not enough people to get it finished. Some early design flaws wouldn't make it very interesting for most people, also.
Some maps that were made for Wasteland2155 were/are used on Fonline2, somehow.

I prefer working on FOnline: Reloaded, which has already many of ideas and features of Wasteland2155 implemented.
There is a lot of other things that will be taken from Wasteland2155 after new session on FOnline: Reloaded starts.

I've been hearing stories about "great potential" since I've started playing on 2238, but to be honest: FOnline has quite limited potential and it will decrease over time.
The reason is simple: not enough modders. Of course many people want to help, but very few actually do something useful.

Re: What happened to wasteland 2155?
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2014, 11:58:53 am »
The reason is simple: not enough modders. Of course many people want to help, but very few actually do something useful.

Yes, that's right. There should be more tutorials, guides about fonline modding because many people don't know how to even start. There is already mapper tutorial which is really good but for me it needs more work and should be continued and translated to english. Also some scripts tutorials or maybe course will be great too.

Offline Ghosthack

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Re: What happened to wasteland 2155?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2014, 08:51:46 pm »
Yes, that's right. There should be more tutorials, guides about fonline modding because many people don't know how to even start. There is already mapper tutorial which is really good but for me it needs more work and should be continued and translated to english. Also some scripts tutorials or maybe course will be great too.

I agree that one of the biggest bottlenecks for getting more developers is good tutorials, it doesn't even have to be long ones, just something to get people started (or hooked, depending on how you look at it) enough to dig deeper on their own. I wrote a dialog guide a few years back and I think or at least hope it was kind of useful to a few people. There's nothing like that for mapping, scripting or using any of the other tools really. At least not in English that I'm a aware of, I know there's a few guides in polish and russian, so translating those could be a start.

I'm afraid it may be too late, as the community seems to be on the decline. But on the other hand there's still modding community around the original Fallouts and games like Morrowind so there's always hope. And the few surviving projects might take off and draw a lot of new players/devs to the community.

I hope more people will open source their work, it could help a lot of people jump starting their own ideas.


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Re: What happened to wasteland 2155?
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2014, 03:42:15 am »
I can think of one real advantage of the engine: if you want to make a non-commercial "Fallout 1/2-like MMO/RPG" using Fallout assets, a lot of work is already done - the data, mechanics and the content is already in place. It's a huge advantage if you want to make exactly that. But how many people are interested in it today, especially with the risk of getting harassed by Bethesda?

More tutorials won't change it I'm afraid. Let's be real here, were are talking about an engine that is specialized in making a multiplayer knock-off of a 16 years old RPG. It's unlikely to get a lot more popular among potential devs than it already is.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 09:06:49 am by JovankaB »

Offline Ghosthack

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Re: What happened to wasteland 2155?
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2014, 06:31:31 pm »
But how many people are interested in it today, especially with the risk of getting harassed by Bethesda?
Haven't happened to anyone doing anything related to FOnline AFAIK, but I agree that if something high-profile gets spun around in the mainstream gaming media, it could catch the attention of some idle lawyers at Bethesda.

More tutorials won't change it I'm afraid. Let's be real here, were are talking about an engine that is specialized in making a multiplayer knock-off of a 16 years old RPG. It's unlikely to get a lot more popular among potential devs than it already is.
I'm not saying it's going to make a huge difference in the big picture, but it could have some small impact. Since the work needed to create good tutorials is more than what's likely to come back, the time investment is poor. Again, this could have done a while back, possible at the same time as release of 2238 source :)

Offline Lexx

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Re: What happened to wasteland 2155?
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2014, 11:24:17 pm »
Haven't happened to anyone doing anything related to FOnline AFAIK, but I agree that if something high-profile gets spun around in the mainstream gaming media, it could catch the attention of some idle lawyers at Bethesda.

Bethesda is a very modder friendly firm. As far as I can remember, the only time they asked someone to stop working on a mod was when it had been a direct Morrowind to Oblivion port (Morrowind files not required for playing) and it was advertised on the Bethsoft forum. So the rule of thumb is: Don't ask Bethesda if you do this stuff, as they simply have to disallow it for copyright and whatever.