FOnline Development > Questions and Answers
Infinity Engine support
I've seen some mentions that FOnline supports Infinity Engine resources. I searched high and low but couldn't find any info. Does anyone know what is supported?
I found here info that BAM and MOS files are supported but I can't find any info about it in CritterTypes.cfg
I'll try it out.
From the "ProtoItem" page of FOnline help you can see that engine can read it and have other info how to use it :
--- Quote ---proto items
Prototypes of objects are stored as text files in the directory Server\Proto\Items\.
Edited using the Object Editor.
Items.lst file contains a list of files containing data on prototypes of objects. As part of this SDK files:
Each file is created to store the objects of its type, format prototypes for each of the object types have differences.
General Fields:
Pid Prototype number (must be unique for all types)
Type Determine an object type
PicMapName The image on the ground
PicInvName The image in the inventory
Flags flags object
SoundId ID of sound
Material Type of material
Warning notes conserning PicMapName and PicInvName:
At the moment (revision 396) engine uses the library DevIL ( ),
which allows the use of image files in the following formats:
.bmp, .cut, .dds, .doom, .hdr, .gif, .ico, .jpg, .lbm, .mdl, .pal, .pbm, .pcd, .pcx, .pgm, .pic, .png, .ppm, .psd, .psp, .raw, .sgi, .tga
.jp2, .exr, .mng, .tif, .lcms, .utx, .wdp
( )
In addition the engine can also use graphics such as games:
Fallout 1/2 (.frm)
Fallout Tactics (.spr, .til, .zar)
Arcanum (.art)
Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment (.mos, .bam)
You can also use a text format fofrm, this format can for example combine a number of different graphics file into an animation or add an image shifts, if the original file format does not allow it, or edit it is a time consuming.
File names can contain additional parameters (all parameters can be combined):
Format SPR:
To load a specific animation of SPR files, you can specify its name after the $ sign in the file name, for example: Mutant$CrouchAttackClubSwing.spr
Taken without the first animation
Effect on color:
To make the shift in color indicate in the settings file name ('$') the required values.
Format: fileName$[index,r,g,b]animName.spr (displacement [...] can be any)
Where index - Part of the body (0 - miscellaneous, 1 - skin, 2 - hair, 3 - armor, -1 - all layers);
r,g,b - offset for each color component can be negative.
Example: someSprite$[2,50,-30,-20]anim1.spr - load sprite someSprite.spr, with anim1 animation and offset by the color of hair on the RGB (50, -30, -20).
Format ART:
Selecting the palette: palette number is specified after the sign $
Example: dfmbnsba$
Enabling Transparency palette components (alpha = max(R, G, B)): $t
Mirror image: $v - Flip Vertical, $h - Flip Horizontal
fx[-y] - indicates the number of frames loaded and their order, example:
anim1$ - therefore be loaded 4 frames 3, 2, 1, 0
Format BAM:
For BAM format can specify the number of frames and playback cycle - to indicate the cycle number in the parameters of the file name ('$') specify the index, and to specify the frame, add a dash and the frame index. Examples:
fileName$5.bam - load fileName.bam with frames at the cycle number 5;
fileName$1-4.bam - load fileName.bam with the frame number 4 under the cycle number 1;
fileName.bam - load fileName.bam with frames at the cycle number 0.
Note: If you use the settings in the image file, you'll also need to add them to the file in the folder HashNames.lst Data client.
Format : [Any number] [filename] [end of line].
For example:
0 art\scenery\BrazureFire$t.ART
0 art\scenery\BrazureFire$t3.ART
--- End quote ---
Berko, thanks for the info! It seems there is little this engine cannot do.
Where did you find FOnline help in English? I only have the one in Russian.
That's probably a translation from RU. By having a team member who can into RU you could definitely speed up some things, not to mention the PR for your project.
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