Author Topic: Fonline SDK server - online problem  (Read 2720 times)

Fonline SDK server - online problem
« on: February 05, 2014, 03:23:55 pm »
Hello and welcome to the brotherhood of... ehm sorry, too much fo1

I've a problem, a big one:

My server is running and I can connect to it as local user, but on other computer with other IP adress I can't.

I've allready tried VPN programs: hamachi, noip, no luck.

My port is 2238, and yes I have it set up in server config file and in client cfg file too.

All firewalls are off.

There is no mistake in server IP adress in client cfg.

When I try to connect from other computer (same version of clients, critter.dat, master.dat are onboard) all I get is ERROR ERROR ERROR text by the buttons in main menu. Can't login or create character. Computers can communicate (chat in VPN is working and they're pinging each other)

What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: Problem solved. I had windows firewall on. Server's running now.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 08:30:54 am by Peter86A »