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I need Mapper tips for faster work

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In what script do you define the starting map of the game? I searched for "intro_martin" for TLA but couldn't find any reference in the scripts. Is it in some config file?

The only real starting map is global map. If you want player to start in a location, you have to use a script to move player's critter to the location when the critter is initialized for the first time. Check critter_init function (most likely it's in main.fos), there should be something like this:

if(cr.IsPlayer() && firstTime) {
    // do whatever needs to be done with players before first login, eg:
    cr.TransitToMap(mapId, 0);

Of course you have to get mapId somehow.

There is small "gotcha" (although I'm not sure if it's the same case in single player mode). The player's critter will be in the game immediately after the new character is created (before player logs in the game), so things in critter_init may happen before the player has actually a chance to see it, even if it's some timed script (like, make explosion 10s after or w/e).

Found it, great!

I don't think there's any particular timed event tied to the start of Van Buren. I think your actions will initiate the first events that will unfold. But it's good to know about that!


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