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Map elevations

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If you mean something like a building or vault with multiple floors, each of them must
be a separate map. They can be added to location with World Editor or by editing
maps\Locations.cfg (the format is not very usef friendly, but it's described in the file)
Also there is text\<lang>\FOGM.MSG with some map/location properties, if you don't
use World Editor).

Things like stairs and ladders that transport from one map to another in location is quite
simple. Doing elevators used to be a pain, I don't know if it changed because I was avoiding it.

Thank you! I will again convert the maps whose elevations I accidentally destroyed yesterday.

I didn't know elevators were still a pain - I remember how hard it was to change them in Fallout 2.

Well, scypior scripted more or less easy elevators for 2238. It wasn't that hard to setup new ones, if I remember correct.

I remember there were some problems with changing elevators without wiping server.
But in case of single player game it shouldn't matter anyway.


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