Let’s be honest, any FOnline based game is no Crysis 3 so I don't really see why to force players to buy newer cards just to see amazing 2D graphics (don't get me wrong, I really like the look of Fallout). There is still a significant percentage of players who keep playing on older graphic cards without OpenGL 2.0 or shader support. The reason why they do that is another topic, please don't give advices like "go buy better card", if you think there is no need for backward compatibility then go ahead, express your oppinion.
OK, so here's the thing; I have the graphical anomaly which is quite familiar to all of us (to all old carders), in the history of FOnline it has been always easy to fix till now. There was a workaround that made the compiler skip the DirectX effect file (Primitive_Default.fx → Primitive_Default.fxc). All you had to do was to remove Primitive_Default.fx’s content and clear the cache.
I'm having these troubles in FOnline2 server, but I'm pretty sure this is the engine problem. Older engine versions didn't suffer on this. I noticed FOnline2 uses version 0436-F7 so no luck here but FO2238 had version 0423-EC which worked well for me.
If you are not familiar with this bug, see this picture explaining how it should look and how it looks if the workaround doesn't work.

Direct link:
http://oi43.tinypic.com/2isb2nt.jpgI hope FOnline engine developers will read this and that they do something about backward compatibility, maybe a parameter in FOnline.cfg wouldn't hurt anyone, for example OldCard = true. I assume this should not be a problem since it always worked and there were no significant graphical changes, heck even offering another FOnline.exe file (FonlineSW.exe) that would be entirely software rendered for people with extremely weak cards would make this game more accessible I believe.
There may be already a solution to this problem, if you know how to fix this, you would help not only me, but many other players, too.