After a while the Rotators are back and proud to announce two new tools for the FOnline engine and related projects.
The first one is a small utility known as
FOnline Status by
Wipe, which functions not only as a FOnline servers monitor, but also as an extension for ServerBoy by Cpt.Rookie and Vaultman. Be sure to check out
the official thread for more details about it!
It goes without saying that you should not omit the related, however already well-known project known as
IRC Status (also by
The reward for this heroic deed is this inverted RotGut:

And some more good news:
Ghosthack has kept working on his
Play FOnline utility, releasing the latest build for all of us, of course, accompanied with the source code. This small tool shall do all the hard work for you, checking the online servers and providing useful info abut them, all in one place. For such deed we declare the reward of one stimpak filled with the green matter:

Enjoy the tools!
Rotators signing out...