Author Topic: FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix - dev video 1  (Read 15012 times)

Offline Lexx

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FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix - dev video 1
« on: January 06, 2014, 06:59:23 pm »
Shangalar posted about the latest development status of FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix, inclusive video. See it below:

Hello everyone,

We've been pretty silent for some weeks, and the reason is that we worked hard on the game and unfortunately could not spend enough time on discussing about it. While the game is already playable, we're facing delays on some parts of the development, that now force us to push back a bit the beginning of the beta test in order to polish the game and improve the experience. We also have to perform some tests yet on the online server to ensure that it is in good condition for your arrival. We're a bit sad about this decision, but we believe it's for the best. We won't announce any new date for now as it depends on our progress and the availability of team members. That delay should hopefully be short, which means a few weeks.

Meanwhile, we'll do our maximum to show you more about it, for example through some videos. Here is a first one we made some time ago. It shows one of the factions' Headquarters and a little piece of Phoenix metropolis. There are a bunch of bugs visible on this video, bugs that we addressed already, but we think it's still interesting to watch:

(If you're wondering, the white line shows the effective range of your character, distance at which you have a maximal chance to hit with current weapon. The green line shows the line of sight. Both can of course be toggled off at any time, and so is it for the burst cone showed at some occasions during combats.)

We'll of course keep you informed of our progress as soon as we can, and we wish you a happy new year!

Dev Video 1
FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix Forum thread