FOnline Development > General Discussion
Scripting with Lua
I was wondering if you could write scripts for FOnline using this language, back when I was younger I used to write simple scripts for creating game tools and addons for a game mod called Garry's Mod(HL2 mod), it was fairly easy but I would like to know if it's possible for FOnline as well. It's an easy language to understand(atleast for me) and it would be awesome to use it for FOnline too.
As you can call native code in Angel scripts you can add every interpreter under angel script even your own interpreter. But it will not be natively integrated into engine, Angel script will be a wrapper between engine and the new interpreter.
I don't know how .net/mono scripts was done, if it was added into engine, if it use wrapper or if engine added some part to make easier adding a new interpreter. Scypior/Bartosz should have the answer and interesting informations about it :)
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