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About Critical Chance


the wiki show that a aimed shot to eyes with luck 10 is 60%, Bonus HtH Damage+ gives you +15% critical chance, and Haymaker ( unarmed ) gives you +15% critical chance too, Luck 10 gives you +10%, so in theory the critical chance is 100% in all melee attacks, but in the game i see some non-critical hits with this combination. i can find in weapon.fopro the Haymaker attack, but i can't see nothing there about increasing the critical chance ( in any of the unarmed attacks ).

i try to increase the bonus from Bonus HtH Damage+ to 25% instead 15%, but there are some non critical hits too. if i set it to 105% all attacks are critical hits, so the engine doesn't limit the critical chance to 95% or something like that.

i don't know where is the mistake here, can someone explain me ? thanks.

edit : i forget to say it, but the objetive doesn't have bonehead, man of steel, helmets, etc.

Haymaker does not increase the chance for a critical hit but instead gives a flat chance for a non-critical hit to be upgraded to a critical one. The same is true for other special unarmed attacks. This worked the same way in Fallout 2.

thanks for the reply. you know where i can change that chance or change it for a " real " critical chance bonus ? thanks.

In combat.fos, looking for the occurrences of Weapon_UnarmedCriticalBonus.

i will try, thanks.


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