FOnline Development > Questions and Answers

SDK admin rights.


Could you please tell me again how to set admin rights in the original FOnline SDK correctly?

Mr Feltzer:
I believe the default Admin Rights are Hardcoded, I would recommend creating an entirely separate admin system that is not controlled by the SDK..
just a thought

No, i mean first editing the FonlineServer.cfg...

--- Code: ---# Keys for accesses
# Aviable four access mode: client (default on login), tester, moder, admin
Access_client = 000000 00000000
Access_tester = asdf1234
Access_moder  = asdf1234
Access_admin  = asdf1234
AccessNames_admin =
--- End code ---

Deleted cache. Started server. Registered character called Player, entered the game.
typed: ~getaccess asdf1234.
Nothing happens.
Typed in some debug command - access denied.

What did i forgot?

Ahhh... ~getaccess admin asdf1234

I got it, guys. Thank you anyway.


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