FOnline Development > General Discussion
Reading from a file to return a string[] array
Mr Feltzer:
--- Quote from: Lidae on September 09, 2013, 08:57:41 pm ---You can also split strings in angelcode using one of these:
--- Code: --- string[] split (const string& in str, const string& in delimiter)
Splits the string into an array of substrings.
string[] splitEx (const string& in str, const string& in delimiter)
Splits the specified string by string, using the specified separator.
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
Excellent! that did the trick!
In all my previous experiences with C#, an Index on a string locates a char or part of the string.
string lestring = "hax";
lestring[0] would be h
Obviously Angel has changed a tad more than I expected.
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