FOnline Development > 3D Development
Final Stage
Hi lexx, I guess it's always been public, everyone can access the repository, but there were many things we suggested, and some we actually tried, that were meant to be implemented inside the game itself, like additional armors, or special animations. Now I'd like to focus on the basics, create some kind of "toolset", so that the person who will use it could easily work with it and modify it any way the need. This whole 3D rendering offers many possibilities, and even though I'm always willing to go further and explore them, I believe our goal at this time is to get everything working properly.
Another thing is that there is not much info on how to implement these models in a Fonline server/project, so even though anyone can download the files, they won't work if you don't know how to set them up. That's what I meant when I said "a different direction"
Ok, the news:
-The new SDK is giving me a little less trouble :P
- I made the sprite animations for Explode, pulse, and burn deaths to be rendered (2D) when you kill a 3d critter, looks great.
But in the new SDK, death anims are not working exactly the same as it did on the older version I've been using. Check this out:
Old SDK way:
1.critter dies
2.body type automatically changes
3.dead guy plays the animation for dying
New SDK way:
1.critter dies
2.body type automatically changes and we see a dead guy on the floor for half a second
3.then dead guy plays the animation for dying
It seems that the old SDK switched the body faster, and we never noticed the guy was already dead when he played the anim.
Of course if it switched bodies before he died, there wouldn't be any problem. But I can't do that. Maybe somebody that knows more about the engine and programming
could fix it easily.
-more news, this SDK works better with alpha channels, so I've been testing blood effects.
-Animations are now converted. With some good help from Graf, we re-exported all of the animations, that were not working in part because of the format, and also because now
the animations names are case sensitive, so if the male animation is called "Run", and the female is called "run" one of them is not going to run at all. I'll check them all so we
can move on.
That's all folks.
Wow! These sprite deaths are looking better, than I could have ever expected. Great work, as always.
P.S. I'm going to send messages everyone who has ever participated in this project, so that we would have opinions from most of these people.
Have you figured out how to get the 3d characters to work for FO:2238 SDK? Or is this just for TLA SDK? I couldn't for the life of me.
I never used 2238 SDK, so I don't know. However, the reason the models are not working is because I was using an older SDK. Now I'm uploading the new files to the repository. You should try those files once they are uploaded.
I would like to see finally completed 3d models, well it is going to be never ending story.
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