FOnline Development > Questions and Answers

Some questions about customising your own server.


As the title says I'd like to know how I can disable NPC's both guards and NPC's in encounters to stop looting corpses.
For FOnline 2238, it's a private server where I have access to the scripts btw.

And while I am asking could someone explain the "`setreputation" command and make custom traders.  :)

I have not tested it myself, but a search of "loot" in all files shows me the function
--- Code: ---bool LootCritter(Critter& npc, uint crId, bool lootEx, uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY)
--- End code ---
in main_planes.fos
which looks promising.

Edit: If you just replace the code inside the function definition with
--- Code: ---return false;
--- End code ---
it will successfully make guards unable to loot, but the NPC that would have looted you will just become "busy" after walking up to your corpse. Messing around with when the function returns true or false should get you somewhere.


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