FOnline Development > General Discussion

Inner workings of FOnline


Right now, I'm learning C++ and I want to know about some things that intrigue me.
1) How did you integrate 3D models and animations and shaders into a 2.5D isometric game? I thought it was either 3d or 2d graphics, plain and simple.
2) Did you have to use a library or something? What was it?

I didn't know where to put this. I just wanted some info on this. I guess this is a general question about FOnline.

I try to answer your question as best as I can.
1, Fonline can use the directx (.x) file format this is able to contain objects pluss their materias and animations. For info about shaders I would suggest to read this thread it tells better then I could,18263.0.html

2, 3D model repository should have plenty of the models


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