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FOnline: Reloaded

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--- Quote from: Kilgore on July 29, 2013, 08:57:41 pm ---Bonus hit points, action points and damage resistance? Are you crazy?
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No, I am not crazy. When I say "bonus hit points," I don't mean "the full amount of hit points that you would normally get when leveling up," but rather "0-2 bonus hit points every level past lvl50 or so." When I say "action points" I don't mean "bonus action points every level," but rather "one or two bonus action points at some preset level landmarks (lvl 50 & lvl99 for example). When I say "bonus damage resistance," I don't mean "+5% to all resistances every level," but rather "a +0-1% bonus to a random resistance OR a random DT every level past lvl50 or so." Do I still sound "crazy" or was I simply misunderstood?

--- Quote from: Kilgore on July 29, 2013, 08:57:41 pm ---I'm not doing anything against fastrelogs/multilogs besides adding and improving one-character features.

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Great news.

--- Quote from: Kilgore on July 29, 2013, 08:57:41 pm ---On TLAmk2 they have fastrelog and multilog allowed and guess what? No one gives a fuck..
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Oh, no, there always is at least one group of extremely vocal crybabies that DO give a fuck. FO: 2238 devs listened to the crybabies, implemented enough anti-FR measures to make the game completely unplayable, and look how well it turned out for them.

--- Quote from: Kilgore on July 29, 2013, 08:57:41 pm ---2238 is open source, no idea what you talking about.
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I'm talking about any changes that have been/will be made to the tables in question. I'd like to know about them, and I'm sure there will be more people interested in this as the server enters its next phase of development. Unless, perhaps, FO: Reloaded is open source as well, and I somehow overlooked this fact?

Oh, and could I also get the file with crafting recipes please?


--- Quote from: Stration on July 29, 2013, 09:51:04 pm ---
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Its alwyas nice to get feedback about exploits Prof. Torr

Could You upload Your FA bot makro ?

- First Aid need rework.


--- Quote from: DocAN. on July 29, 2013, 10:22:19 pm ---Its alwyas nice to get feedback about exploits.

Could You upload Your FA bot makro ?

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I have no clue what you are talking about.

--- Quote from: DocAN. on July 29, 2013, 10:22:19 pm ---First Aid need rework
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I agree. The minimum amount of hit points healed should be set at 2/3*FA, e.g. if your FA skill = 100%, you should never heal less than 67 hit points (unless you roll a critical failure of course), and the likelihood of a critical success should be equal to at the very least LUCK*2.


--- Quote from: Stration on July 29, 2013, 11:11:57 pm --- The minimum amount of hit points healed should be set at 2/3*FA, e.g. if your FA skill = 100%, you should never heal less than 67 hit points (unless you roll a critical failure of course), and the likelihood of a critical success should be equal to at the very least LUCK*2.

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He probably meant experience gained by FA which has to be somehow limited (nerfed) or it will be botted to hell. I planned it from the very beginning but forgot about it completely.

--- Quote ---No, I am not crazy. When I say "bonus hit points," I don't mean "the full amount of hit points that you would normally get when leveling up," but rather "0-2 bonus hit points every level past lvl50 or so." When I say "action points" I don't mean "bonus action points every level," but rather "one or two bonus action points at some preset level landmarks (lvl 50 & lvl99 for example). When I say "bonus damage resistance," I don't mean "+5% to all resistances every level," but rather "a +0-1% bonus to a random resistance OR a random DT every level past lvl50 or so." Do I still sound "crazy" or was I simply misunderstood?
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Insignificant bonus becomes significant when repeated one thousand times by someone having too much time (or a bot).
It's not like I'm totally against it, but certainly not bonus HP/action points/damage resistances.

--- Quote ---I'm talking about any changes that have been/will be made to the tables in question. I'd like to know about them, and I'm sure there will be more people interested in this as the server enters its next phase of development. Unless, perhaps, FO: Reloaded is open source as well, and I somehow overlooked this fact?
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It was clearly stated that the only change in critical tables was removal of bypass on unaimed shots.
Source might be published later if someone needs it. It's just 2238 with many tweaks and several new features, nothing so secret. Crafting table is a subject to change at least few times until launch so I don't see a reason to put it here at the moment, as it would only make some confusion.


--- Quote from: Kilgore on July 29, 2013, 11:58:38 pm ---He probably meant experience gained by FA which has to be somehow limited (nerfed) or it will be botted to hell.
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I don't think there are any botters left in the game (not counting TLA where there are more bots than players), but if you want my advice on how to deal with this vaguely possible issue, I'd suggest disallowing players above level 24 from receiving any XP for healing. This would make any possible FA/Doc bots pretty much useless without hurting legitimate players too much.


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