FOnline Development > FOnline Projects

FOnline: Reloaded

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--- Quote from: DocAN. on July 25, 2013, 10:21:10 pm ---Motion Sensors ang Gaiger Counters: - Cant find any at traders.
Books price: - You forgot to change books price in Adtym Library
Missing hex blocker in Modoc:

--- End quote ---
Fixed x3

Changelog (25.07.2013)
- Dynacords no longer knockdown/knockback target
- Increased experience reward for disarming explosives to 150xp (from 50)
- Traps skill scaled down, will have maximum effect at 150% skill (one alt less? :P)
- Decreased average damage from explosives by 50
- Doors are always destroyed by explosives (Dynamite/C4)
- Added Poison effect to Needler Pistol
- Changed ammo mods for Needler Pistol
- Increased damage of Turbo Plasma Rifle (30-65 to 35-70)
- Added an option to colorize whole factions in Namecolorizing.txt by their number automatically (one line per faction)
- Added ~factionnames command to list all factions and their numbers

Evil Genius:
I just... cant believe... this server changelog is so fantastic, it should be done on 2238 server years ago... I will start playing this server, but still i i wanna play on TLA mk2 and fonline 2 too.. so i am confused.. And a little less players playing here. Damn, its not good, too much servers too little players everywhere.. But awesome job Kilgore, you have made the 2238 server very playable ! Its so shame that people like Jovanka were devs on 2238 server, and destryed it. You should have become the dev there i see, so 2238 could be still alive. Anyway i repeat i am confused where to play now, Tla mk2 , Fonline 2 , or Fonline Reloaded ..

Remember that it's only a test session now, with free exp and caps, and it will be wiped soon, so there are not many players. Also the project wasn't announced anywhere besides (well few people made threads on fonline 2 forum but it was removed from there shortly :P). I'm still doing some changes and there are few things to be reworked (like repair) in coming days.

The test session will end in next week, around 1st or 2nd of August. "Real" session will start later and also there will be some cool website and forum. Stay tuned!


--- Quote from: Evil Genius on July 26, 2013, 08:00:36 pm ---Anyway i repeat i am confused where to play now, Tla mk2 , Fonline 2 , or Fonline Reloaded ..

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What if i told you, that you can play on more than one server ;)

what about wiki, whether there is a possibility to bring back old 2238 wiki?


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