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Roleplayers wnich play as doctor can use needler pistol for defense. :P
--- Quote from: wladimiiir on July 25, 2013, 07:06:58 am ---What is the logic behind this? Shooting needs Doctor skill? :-\ Why did you do it to my favorite gun?
And also it is not listed in changelist, but have you increased AP cost for Needler Pistol or it is a bug?
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I think increased AP cost for needler pistol is a bug and as fonliner said there was a lot of doctor rolerplayers, and this change is for them.
--- Quote from: wladimiiir on July 25, 2013, 07:06:58 am ---What is the logic behind this? Shooting needs Doctor skill? :-\ Why did you do it to my favorite gun?
And also it is not listed in changelist, but have you increased AP cost for Needler Pistol or it is a bug?
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And what is logic behind minigun, or laser rifle? Game has to be playable and enjoyable.
I liked the idea of a self-defense gun for doctors (it's actually taken from TLAmk2, again) and Needler Pistol is a perfect choice for this.
I'll test if it's accurate enough at 100-120% Doctor skill.. if not, it will be fixed.
No idea what you mean about AP cost change. My client shows 4 AP for single not aimed shot, wiki shows 4 AP, Object Editor shows 4.
I guess your char has brof and it doesn't affect the pistol - then it's a bug and will be fixed.
--- Quote from: Kilgore on July 25, 2013, 12:57:47 pm ---I guess your char has brof and it doesn't affect the pistol - then it's a bug and will be fixed.
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This. But 14mm pistol shows 3 AP, correctly. It was introduced with the latest update as I had 3 AP before.
But honestly, if you want to do some gun for self-protecting for doctors, make gun which gives better accuracy bonus (> 50), and they can invest some points into small guns (where 100% should be fine). But this have to have 100% (or more) doctor skill to use a gun, while I have 220 SG skill?!
Or make Needler pistol choose highest skill (from SG, DOC) for hit chance. ::)
I think doctors have more then 100 doc skill and battle chars have around 100 doc skill as well also there is no lvl cap for skill points so i dont see any problem here.
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