FOnline Development > Questions and Answers

Updated Maps not showing up in the server

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Still having no luck with NPCs and Dialogs, still getting the same chat whenever I try to talk with them. 

Upload your .fomap and .fodlg files for this map and dialogue, I'll take a look and tell you what you're doing wrong. And also dialogs.lst


Thanks Kilgore, you can download a set of em' here.  Let me know if you need anything else.

Open dialogue files with Notepad and change tut1 to engl (.fodlg uploaded by you, lines 5 and 42)
When you are making new dialogue tree, call it "engl" - it specifies language.

It will solve the problem without regenmap or anything, just restart the server.

Ah, that did it!  Thanks!  I knew it had to be something simple that was just from lack of knowledge :P.


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