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[2238] couple of quick question
Alright I need to know how to lower the Town control player need and gear need, and then also I need to know what lines to delete to make the brahmin stop trying to ram me, and last but somehow not least how to increase there shit rate it seems like there are two different places to do that.
--- Quote ---I need to know how to lower the Town control player need
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See towns.fos lines 93-114 for Modoc, try changing
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repeat with other towns.
--- Quote ---and gear need
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town.fos, lines 1173-1186
if you don't have an idea what's doing what there, comment these lines and put "return true;"
I haven't tried it myself but I think it should work.
Hope it helps,
--- Quote from: Gonvin on July 11, 2013, 07:23:33 am ---...and then also I need to know what lines to delete to make the brahmin stop trying to ram me...
--- End quote ---
In item_brahmin_dung.fos delete/comment out lines 92-102.
--- Quote from: Gonvin on July 11, 2013, 07:23:33 am ---...and last but somehow not least how to increase there shit rate it seems like there are two different places to do that.
--- End quote ---
In all_brahmin.fos on line 34 there is variable Shitrate set to 666 (spooky :o). It says what is the chance of shitting when Idle event is called on brahmin. Currently there is 1:666 chance that brahmin will shit on Idle event (config.fos::__CritterIdleTick = 10000; => every 10 seconds), so lower it to increase chance.
I have a problem I think as I have talked to Marcus no town control dialog. Then I talked to Harold just to check if it was only Marcus or something for town control dialog and it isn't appearing guess the town wasn't big enough...for the one of us.
Dialogue option will not show if you're not in faction. Make the faction first, then try capturing. I checked it and it's working.
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