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Open Source FOnline: 2238

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Hmm, Now I'm having a problem with the client (For some reason the old client is doing it too)

Pretty much that over and over; log was too long for pastie.  Any help is appreciated :).


* Did you change port to 2238 on client (or maybe you changed it in FOnlineServer.cfg)?
* Do you have master.dat and critter.dat in client directory?


--- Quote from: wladimiiir on July 02, 2013, 10:11:50 pm ---
* Did you change port to 2238 on client (or maybe you changed it in FOnlineServer.cfg)?
* Do you have master.dat and critter.dat in client directory?
--- End quote ---
Address is localhost and port is 4000

Dats are in the right location and the client is reading them.

Found it out, FOnlineServer.cfg was set to listen on port 2238, changed it to 4000 and it works :).

Yea, client never had port configured properly. 2238 as open source continues this tradition :P

Omg, I'm so excited. Can't wait to study all the scripts and code  ;D ;D . Thanks for sharing your work with us.


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