Author Topic: Open Source FOnline: 2238  (Read 107209 times)

Offline Lexx

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Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #45 on: July 12, 2013, 03:56:00 pm »
You must be the same funny guy who posted about the same "issue" over at NMA. :>

The title says "Open Source FOnline: 2238" and not "Open Source FOnline Engine". It's as simple as that.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 03:58:53 pm by Lexx »

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #46 on: July 12, 2013, 04:19:06 pm »
For what do you need open client and mapper? What do you want to do?

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #47 on: July 13, 2013, 02:28:37 am »
Any chance of releasing the launcher project/source? 

Offline Ghosthack

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Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #48 on: July 13, 2013, 11:56:07 am »
Any chance of releasing the launcher project/source?

Didn't think anyone would be interested in it, I will put it in the tools folder of fo2238 repo later today :)
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 11:58:59 am by Ghosthack »

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #49 on: July 16, 2013, 05:47:25 pm »
A minor disambiguation happened here.

I know, thanks for the explanation and all for everyone else, but I was being sarcastic. :)

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #50 on: July 16, 2013, 07:31:11 pm »
Didn't think anyone would be interested in it, I will put it in the tools folder of fo2238 repo later today :)
Thanks Ghost, much appreciated :).

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #51 on: July 17, 2013, 04:36:01 am »
Get this after generating _npc_pids.fos with Worldeditor.

When Launching the server;

Looks like some of the PIDs are missing from World Editor.  Wondering if I'm going to have to go through and fix it, or if it was a simple mistake on your end that can be fixed easily.



  • Guest
Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #52 on: July 17, 2013, 05:29:27 am »
It looks like some critter names are missing in the critter proto editor in WE, though they are in the in FODLG.MSG. No idea why, but the result is in the generated _npc_pids some of the names are NPC_PID_Unknown*, which makes scripts which used proper defines to complain.

If you didn't change critter names in the first 524 protos, then I think you can just take them from the original _npc_pids that we released, and replace the unknown ones WE generated for you.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 05:31:30 am by b__B »

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #53 on: July 17, 2013, 05:41:54 am »
Yepp, what I planned to do if I had to do it on my side.

I see your signature; sounds like someones a Game of Thrones fan :P.


  • Guest
Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #54 on: July 17, 2013, 06:04:15 am »
Yepp, what I planned to do if I had to do it on my side.

I wouldn't wait on your place, because it takes a few seconds to c/p those defines and if you wait for a fix by someone else, you might wait very long :P And you don't need to generate this file everytime you change something in protos, only if you need a define of a new proto for a script, which doesn't happen too often.

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #55 on: July 17, 2013, 06:48:27 pm »
I wouldn't wait on your place, because it takes a few seconds to c/p those defines and if you wait for a fix by someone else, you might wait very long :P And you don't need to generate this file everytime you change something in protos, only if you need a define of a new proto for a script, which doesn't happen too often.
Alright, I'm trying to figure out why this happened; and I noticed that most NPCs with dialog are in that list;,29418.msg258538.html#new (Very bottom post)

Thanks for your help b__B!

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #56 on: July 28, 2013, 04:56:28 pm »
Can u release backup of fo2238 wiki? Thx.


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Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #57 on: August 02, 2013, 11:16:51 pm »
There was a small update of file.
We forgot about running animations for the black guy in MA. It should be included now.

Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #58 on: August 03, 2013, 09:50:52 am »
I got some thing strange when launching server
[00:073] FOnline server, version 0506-EC.
[02:328] ***   Starting initialization   ****
[02:343] Script system initialization...
[02:380] Reload scripts...
[09:693] Reload scripts complete.
[09:693] Bind reserved functions...
[09:718] Bind reserved functions complete.
[09:718] Script system initialization complete.
[09:718] Loading language packs...
[09:774] Loading language packs complete, loaded<1> packs.
[09:774] Reload client scripts...
[10:843] Reload client scripts complete.
[10:843] Indexing client data.
[10:844] Indexing complete, clients found<2>.
[10:844] AI manager initialization...
[10:844] Find bags...
[10:931] Loaded<270> bags.
[10:931] AI manager initialization complete.
[10:931] Item manager initialization...
[10:947] Item manager initialization complete.
[10:947] Critter manager initialization...
[11:000] Critter manager initialization complete.
[11:000] Map manager initialization...
[11:007] Map manager initialization complete.
[11:007] Var manager initialization.
[11:007] Update template vars...
[11:026] Update template vars complete.
[11:026] Var manager initialization complete.
[11:027] Load Dialogs...[11:027] from list<dialogs.lst>.
[11:666] Loading dialogs finish, loaded<821/821>.
[11:741] FixBoy load crafts...
[11:761] FixBoy load crafts complete.
[11:765] Loaded<136> critter types.
[11:782] Loading items prototypes...
[13:273] Items prototypes successfully loaded, count<4975>.
[13:274] Loading critters prototypes...
[13:322] Loaded<524> critter protos, errors<0>.
[13:322] Load location and map prototypes...
[23:351] Load location and map prototypes complete, loaded<216> location protos.
[23:385] Script callback: Init blueprints. : blueprints : void InitBlueprints() : 45, 2 : FOServer::InitReal : Game.
[23:400] Script callback: Found 9 blueprints of level 0 : blueprints : void InitBlueprints() : 63, 2 : FOServer::InitReal : Game.
[23:400] Script callback: Found 14 blueprints of level 1 : blueprints : void InitBlueprints() : 63, 2 : FOServer::InitReal : Game.
[23:400] Script callback: Found 14 blueprints of level 2 : blueprints : void InitBlueprints() : 63, 2 : FOServer::InitReal : Game.
[23:772] Begin load world from dump file<save\>.
[23:783] Load game info...[23:783] complete.
[23:783] Load locations...
[23:786] Proto map<219> of proto location<4> is not init. Skip location.
[23:790] Proto map<136> of proto location<14> is not init. Skip location.
[23:790] Proto map<138> of proto location<14> is not init. Skip location.
[23:793] Proto map<220> of proto location<40> is not init. Skip location.
[23:793] Proto map<220> of proto location<41> is not init. Skip location.
[23:793] Proto map<220> of proto location<42> is not init. Skip location.
[23:794] Proto location<260> is not init. Skip location.
[23:794] Load locations complete, count<21>.
[23:794] Load npc...
[24:127] Load npc complete, count<2732>.
[24:127] Load items...[24:142] Create item error id<40>, pid<574>.
[24:159] Create item error id<510>, pid<574>.
[24:169] Create item error id<771>, pid<347>.
[24:169] Create item error id<774>, pid<346>.
[24:169] Create item error id<785>, pid<347>.
[24:170] Create item error id<795>, pid<346>.
[24:170] Create item error id<805>, pid<346>.
[24:170] Create item error id<806>, pid<347>.
[24:189] Create item error id<1367>, pid<573>.
[24:206] Create item error id<1842>, pid<587>.
[24:206] Create item error id<1843>, pid<574>.
[24:210] Create item error id<1961>, pid<587>.
[24:225] Create item error id<2375>, pid<346>.
[24:225] Create item error id<2376>, pid<347>.
[24:225] Create item error id<2378>, pid<346>.
[24:225] Create item error id<2380>, pid<347>.
[24:225] Create item error id<2381>, pid<375>.
[24:225] Create item error id<2382>, pid<376>.
[24:225] Create item error id<2383>, pid<374>.
[24:239] Create item error id<2736>, pid<573>.
[24:240] Create item error id<2766>, pid<608>.
[24:240] Create item error id<2768>, pid<649>.
[24:253] Create item error id<3060>, pid<608>.
[24:267] Create item error id<3407>, pid<574>.
[24:299] Create item error id<4381>, pid<608>.
[24:307] Create item error id<4621>, pid<587>.
[24:309] Create item error id<4685>, pid<608>.
[24:310] Create item error id<4707>, pid<587>.
[24:312] Create item error id<4761>, pid<573>.
[24:312] Create item error id<4762>, pid<574>.
[24:312] Create item error id<4785>, pid<573>.
[24:312] Create item error id<4786>, pid<574>.
[24:416] Create item error id<7143>, pid<574>.
[24:427] Create item error id<7455>, pid<867>.
[24:427] Create item error id<7456>, pid<855>.
[24:427] Create item error id<7457>, pid<855>.
[24:427] Create item error id<7458>, pid<855>.
[24:427] Create item error id<7459>, pid<867>.
[24:427] Create item error id<7460>, pid<867>.
[24:427] Create item error id<7461>, pid<868>.
[24:428] Create item error id<7462>, pid<868>.
[24:428] Create item error id<7463>, pid<856>.
[24:428] Create item error id<7464>, pid<856>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7517>, pid<868>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7518>, pid<868>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7519>, pid<868>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7520>, pid<868>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7521>, pid<856>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7522>, pid<856>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7523>, pid<856>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7524>, pid<856>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7558>, pid<856>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7559>, pid<856>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7560>, pid<868>.
[24:430] Create item error id<7561>, pid<868>.
[24:431] Create item error id<7587>, pid<868>.
[24:431] Create item error id<7588>, pid<868>.
[24:431] Create item error id<7589>, pid<856>.
[24:431] Create item error id<7590>, pid<856>.
[24:431] Create item error id<7591>, pid<867>.
[24:431] Create item error id<7592>, pid<855>.
[24:433] Create item error id<7643>, pid<595>.
[24:438] Create item error id<7785>, pid<587>.
[24:439] Create item error id<7807>, pid<608>.
[24:456] Create item error id<8268>, pid<573>.
[24:456] Create item error id<8269>, pid<574>.
[24:485] Create item error id<8997>, pid<585>.
[24:495] Create item error id<9255>, pid<573>.
[24:495] Create item error id<9256>, pid<574>.
[24:497] Create item error id<9312>, pid<573>.
[24:516] Create item error id<9827>, pid<347>.
[24:516] Create item error id<9829>, pid<346>.
[24:516] Create item error id<9831>, pid<347>.
[24:519] Create item error id<9899>, pid<859>.
[24:532] Create item error id<10211>, pid<573>.
[24:532] Create item error id<10212>, pid<574>.
[24:536] Create item error id<10318>, pid<608>.
[24:553] Create item error id<10758>, pid<587>.
[24:554] Create item error id<10797>, pid<608>.
[24:555] Create item error id<10810>, pid<573>.
[24:555] Create item error id<10811>, pid<574>.
[24:582] Create item error id<11522>, pid<587>.
[24:596] Create item error id<11904>, pid<346>.
[24:596] Create item error id<11907>, pid<346>.
[24:596] Create item error id<11908>, pid<376>.
[24:596] Create item error id<11909>, pid<374>.
[24:596] Create item error id<11910>, pid<376>.
[24:597] Create item error id<11911>, pid<347>.
[24:597] Create item error id<11912>, pid<346>.
[24:597] Create item error id<11913>, pid<346>.
[24:597] Create item error id<11914>, pid<374>.
[24:597] Create item error id<11915>, pid<374>.
[24:616] Create item error id<12436>, pid<851>.
[24:616] Create item error id<12437>, pid<872>.
[24:619] Create item error id<12527>, pid<587>.
[24:620] Create item error id<12546>, pid<574>.
[24:620] Create item error id<12550>, pid<585>.
[24:624] Create item error id<12651>, pid<608>.
[24:650] Initialization fail!
« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 09:54:15 am by K-9 »


  • Guest
Re: Open Source FOnline: 2238
« Reply #59 on: August 03, 2013, 12:01:59 pm »
On a clean server I don't have these errors.