FOnline Development > Questions and Answers
[2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
Hello everyone,
I started to try this, althrow i started the server and maked a character with ADMIN priviliges, when i started the game almost everything is dark and without NOTHING... can anyone help me? lol
Ah another thing... i cant see anything and i cant see the "cursor" too, only the red circle "move" cursor. The aim cursor and the "arrow" cursor i cant see (dont know why) - (you can change trow the 3 types of cursors by clicking the right mouse button, or by clicking on the weapon)
Ok, its resolved... It missed the master and critter files... lol
--- Quote from: EnergyForYou on July 03, 2013, 03:55:56 pm ---First make .cfg file inside of config folder where you need to put:
--- Code: ---;;
;;Standard devmenu
ONPLAYER,ONNPC;Possess;internal possess
ONPLAYER,ONNPC;Trade;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_Trade $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONITEM,ISCONTAINER;Browse items;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_Trade 0 $[Item.Id] 0
ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISALIVE;Kill;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_KillCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISKNOCK;Kill;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_KillCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONCHOSEN,ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISDEAD;Revive;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_KillCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONNPC;Remove critter;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_RemoveCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONITEM;Remove item;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_RemoveItem $[Item.Id] 0 0
ONITEM,ONGROUND;Teleport;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_Teleport 0 $[HexX] $[HexY]
ONGROUND,NOHIDE;Airstrike;runscript dev_menu@Airstrike 0 $[HexX] $[HexY]
ONITEM,ISPOSSESS;Pick item;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_PickItem $[Possessed.Id] $[Item.Id] 0
ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISPOSSESS;Attack;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_Attack $[Possessed.Id] $[Critter.Id] 0
ONGROUND,ISPOSSESS;Move to;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_MoveTo $[Possessed.Id] $[HexX] $[HexY]
ISPOSSESS;Stop;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_Stop $[Possessed.Id] 0 0
ONCHOSEN,ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISKNOCK;Wake;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_NeutralizeCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONCHOSEN,ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISNTKNOCK;Neutralize;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_NeutralizeCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
--- End code ---
Then after you log into game, write ~getaccess... after that write ~gmtools menu load (nameofyourconfig.cfg)
--- End quote ---
This doesnt work!! :(
--- Quote from: NoDriLL on May 31, 2014, 04:39:06 pm ---This doesnt work!! :(
--- End quote ---
Check one post below this you quoted, or even better - second post in this thread.
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