Hello i have some issues for having the OSD of the game master tool, i added the GMT lines to FOnline2238.cfg but, after giving me the admin access, i have nothing on my screen.
We agree the Fonline2238.cfg is the one inside client folder?
For my 2nd question, i'm learning english so it dont understand everythings very well, on how to use admins commands perfectly.
My plan is to make a Fallout RolePlay, with roll20 "rules", as i want fallout 2 graphics for a RP, i decided to use the Fonline server to fill my needs.
Is it possible for someone who understands and using properly FOnline Admin commands and + (like GMT utilities) to add me on skype or something else, because i have many questions, and it could take less time for me than posting each time on the forum.
I know i'm asking a lot, but please, help me make my dreams comes true about a proper Fallout RP.