Author Topic: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial  (Read 84668 times)

Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2014, 12:19:29 pm »
`param 0 param [value]
A command allowing to view and set your character params. Full list of params can be checked in _defines.fos.

Just to add additional information about the command, I took me a while to figure out how to change param of other players and npc(s).
[-p player | -n npcID] would work on this command also; however, you must specify the [value] parameter, and the [-p player | -n npcID]  can only comes AFTER the [value] parameter.
So for example, to change the Strength of other player(named player1 for example), you will have to put:
`param 0 0 10 -p player1
You cannot "view" the current value of parameters of others by using
`param 0 0 -p player1  <-- this will give you an invalid argument error.
However, you can still able to "view" the current value of other player's(or npc) parameter by changing it to some other values first and read the log about the original values.

Or you can use `critterinfo [-p player | -n npcID] to get some basic info.

Offline Wipe

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Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2014, 04:00:09 pm »
While that's correct, it's worth to note that editing other players params isn't possible "out of box"; you have to disable this little check first.

Oh, one more thing: checking target params is also possible thru ~run cheats checkparam2 [param] [targetId] 0
« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 04:05:46 pm by Wipe »
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Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2014, 06:06:29 pm »
The easiest way to see parameters of other player/npc is to use `clone command!

Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #33 on: May 13, 2014, 08:10:27 am »
Oh nice~ thanks for the info, I overlooked these two useful commands.
I took a look at the codes for the clone command, it seems that there is no easy turning back once you become someone else.
And I do have another newbie question about critter ID:
I have notice that there is a difference in the first digit of the ID for NPC between what is displayed in the OSD and that displayed on the Ctrl + Click GM menu.
For example the OSD will display 6596108 and the Ctrl + Click will show 1596108?
What is the logic behind for these numbering? how do they work?

By the way, I am glad that this community is still very active. Given that the previous post before my post was a few months ago, I did not expect I would get any replies. ;)


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Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #34 on: May 13, 2014, 08:24:11 am »
I took a look at the codes for the clone command, it seems that there is no easy turning back once you become someone else.

You can make a second character as a "backup" (by cloning the original GM character). Then if you mess your GM character in any way, you can just login the backup character, relog to the original one, and clone the backup character. You have to use -full option to clone all aspects of character not just basic stats (though vars aren't cloned if I remember correctly).

And I do have another newbie question about critter ID:
I have notice that there is a difference in the first digit of the ID for NPC between what is displayed in the OSD and that displayed on the Ctrl + Click GM menu.
For example the OSD will display 6596108 and the Ctrl + Click will show 1596108?

Ctrl + Click shows "NPC Id", which is Critter Id - 500000.

Player characters register with Ids starting from 1 and NPCs are created with Ids starting from 500001. So there is this "NPC Id" for convenience when typing commands. But the real value is Critter Id.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 08:42:44 am by b__B »

Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2014, 01:32:38 pm »
Hello everyone,

I started to try this, althrow i started the server and maked a character with ADMIN priviliges, when i started the game almost everything is dark and without NOTHING... can anyone help me? lol
" Warning, trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again"

Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2014, 01:38:26 pm »
Ah another thing... i cant see anything and i cant see the "cursor" too, only the red circle "move" cursor. The aim cursor and the "arrow" cursor i cant see (dont know why) - (you can change trow the 3 types of cursors by clicking the right mouse button, or by clicking on the weapon)
" Warning, trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again"

Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #37 on: May 31, 2014, 02:31:13 pm »
Ok, its resolved... It missed the master and critter files... lol
" Warning, trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again"

Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #38 on: May 31, 2014, 04:39:06 pm »
First make .cfg file inside of config folder where you need to put:
Code: [Select]
;;Standard devmenu

ONPLAYER,ONNPC;Possess;internal possess
ONPLAYER,ONNPC;Trade;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_Trade $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONITEM,ISCONTAINER;Browse items;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_Trade 0 $[Item.Id] 0
ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISALIVE;Kill;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_KillCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISKNOCK;Kill;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_KillCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONCHOSEN,ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISDEAD;Revive;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_KillCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONNPC;Remove critter;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_RemoveCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONITEM;Remove item;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_RemoveItem $[Item.Id] 0 0
ONITEM,ONGROUND;Teleport;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_Teleport 0 $[HexX] $[HexY]
ONGROUND,NOHIDE;Airstrike;runscript dev_menu@Airstrike 0 $[HexX] $[HexY]
ONITEM,ISPOSSESS;Pick item;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_PickItem $[Possessed.Id] $[Item.Id] 0
ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISPOSSESS;Attack;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_Attack $[Possessed.Id] $[Critter.Id] 0
ONGROUND,ISPOSSESS;Move to;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_MoveTo $[Possessed.Id] $[HexX] $[HexY]
ISPOSSESS;Stop;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_Stop $[Possessed.Id] 0 0
ONCHOSEN,ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISKNOCK;Wake;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_NeutralizeCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
ONCHOSEN,ONPLAYER,ONNPC,ISNTKNOCK;Neutralize;runscript_unsafe dev_menu@unsafe_NeutralizeCritter $[Critter.Id] 0 0
Then after you log into game, write ~getaccess... after that write ~gmtools menu load (nameofyourconfig.cfg)

This doesnt work!! :(
" Warning, trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again"

Offline Wipe

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Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2014, 04:51:15 am »
This doesnt work!! :(
Check one post below this you quoted, or even better - second post in this thread.
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #40 on: June 19, 2014, 06:55:53 am »
I have experienced in one of my PC running on Windows 7 that the OSD and admin menu was not able to displayed for some reason.
I resolved it by running the FOlineGL.exe instead.
Maybe you can try this.

Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #41 on: December 18, 2015, 05:32:50 am »
Hello i have some issues for having the OSD of the game master tool, i added the GMT lines to FOnline2238.cfg but, after giving me the admin access, i have nothing on my screen.
We agree the Fonline2238.cfg is the one inside client folder?

For my 2nd question, i'm learning english so it dont understand everythings very well, on how to use admins commands perfectly.
My plan is to make a Fallout RolePlay, with roll20 "rules", as i want fallout 2 graphics for a RP, i decided to use the Fonline server to fill my needs.
Is it possible for someone who understands and using properly FOnline Admin commands and + (like GMT utilities) to add me on skype or something else, because i have many questions, and it could take less time for me than posting each time on the forum.
I know i'm asking a lot, but please, help me make my dreams comes true about a proper Fallout RP.

Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #42 on: August 15, 2017, 07:19:59 am »
Ok, guys, there are many more admin functions:

But I  have a question about that. About reloading things on the fly.

When I do ~reloaddialogs, the chat says I have 1 error and no text are visible since then. If I reload the server though, everything is back to normal. Anyone encountered anything like this?

Offline Wipe

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Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #43 on: August 15, 2017, 01:58:15 pm »
About reloading things on the fly
Unless you using some fancy new SDK which i have no idea about, you can forget about any reloading commands. Except ~reloadclientscripts and ~regenmap, these two are well known for working as intended.
Games are meant to be created, not played...

Re: [2238] FOnline: 2238 GM Abuse Tutorial
« Reply #44 on: August 16, 2017, 06:49:58 pm »
right. It's 2238. The one that released in 2013 and never updated even though the original fonline has been maintained all that time and has a lot of amazing features in it. Hasn't anyone run a live server on a recent sdk since 2238? Besides the Russians, obviously.

That's weird, tbh.