General > News and Announcements
The Beginning
Welcome to, the new international board for FOnline developers!
Why such forum? The FOnline scene always lacked a community website in English dedicated to developers. Informations about SDK are scarce and scattered - we see it as an obstacle in bringing more interest to FOnline. That's why former FOnline: 2238 devs decided to fill this gap by creating We would like it to be a place for all people focused on creative aspects of FOnline - place where you can discuss developing games, share ideas, ask questions, publish and share your work with others, announce new FOnline projects. A friendly hub for English speaking developers.
If you were registered on the FOnline: 2238 forum you don't have to create a new account - you can use the same login and password.
Of course is not the only thing that we would like to do. We are still eager to create games. However, at least for now, we have decided to focus on something slightly different than a game - creating a new FOnline development kit with improved scripts and tools. Our aim is to create a better starting point for new projects. Only time will tell if we will be successful. This new endeavor is in very early stage and you can follow it on Github. It's developed as open source.
Speaking about open source... we have one more news for you. To answer many requests of FOnline: 2238 fans, we have decided to release the source code of our game. We need to clean it up a bit and as soon as this work is done, everyone should be able to download the sources, start a FOnline: 2238 server or create their own projects based on it. This shouldn't take too long, so stay tuned!
With kind regards,
New era has just begun. I like your intentions a lot. :)
I would like to know what does it mean for the improved FOSDK to be open-source? Do you accept any contributors, or is it only meant to be only a solution of Rotators? :)
--- Quote from: Mike Wall on June 28, 2013, 09:01:05 am ---New era has just begun. I like your intentions a lot. :)
I would like to know what does it mean for the improved FOSDK to be open-source? Do you accept any contributors, or is it only meant to be only a solution of Rotators? :)
--- End quote ---
I see no reason not to accept contributions, if they fit the roadmap (which is not yet clearn at this point).
After all, contributions is what open source really is about...
Awesome to see this site up, it is also of course awesome that you guys have decided to release the source of 2238! Much thanks to you there, and thanks for all the great memories in 2238!
I look forward to seeing your improvements upon the sdk and tools!
--- Quote from: scypior on June 28, 2013, 09:04:39 am ---I see no reason not to accept contributions, if they fit the roadmap (which is not yet clearn at this point).
After all, contributions is what open source really is about...
--- End quote ---
As I understand it, you plan to do it mostly (> 90%) based on Mono?
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