FOnline Development > General Discussion

[Help] Tutorial Fonline SDK

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Hello, I´m spanish so I´ll have a lot of mistakes. But I think it would be easy to understand.

Well, the question is simple. Anyone knows about an english tutorial of Fonline SDK? I want to start, but I don´t know absolutely nothing about it (I have already dowloaded it).


There are a few in this very section of the forum.

Here's the basics:,12198.0.html,12249.0.html

There is a lot of useful information in this thread as well:,8776.0.html

Thanks!!! (Let´s work)

Another question. How can I edit the maps and create quests?, (I´m trying to do a little story to play online with my friends)

Use Mapper to edit maps. In mapper console *new to make new map ~[mapename] to load it,
^[mapname] to save. There should be readme in the mapper folder, in Russian. Making quests
is more complex, quest can involve any aspect of development, from dialogs, mapping to scripting,
finally even making some additional graphics and sounds. There is no single recipe for it. The simplest
quest require some dialog at least, so check out DialogEditor. SDK is poorly documented though, so
you have to be very persistent in learning if you want to do anything with it.


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