FOnline Development > FOnline Projects
FOnline2 Second Open Session starts at 10.01.2014!
--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on June 25, 2013, 12:10:52 pm ---Technically Necropolis was buttfucked by mutants.
Maybe turn it into a PvE ground?
--- End quote ---
You knew, no surprise :-\
Vault dweller dead=
Arroyo cannot exsit.
V13 should be blood spattered.
Human race almost wiped out by massive Super mutant army.
Just guessing.
There will be FOnline2 Bible presented its rdy and waiting.
brad smalls:
I want a rise to Brad Smalls super badass killer PVP Murder Squad 4th gang from V15
a few more questions please:
Shared Tents for alts?
Multiple tent/houses locations?
Banking services accessable in every city/town?
Will tents get deleted if you dont login for some time?
Worldmap Fallout 1 + 2?
Will a list of all perks, weapons and requirements for them be released to plan you chars?
Will Charisma be required to trade with npcs?
Will there be mines or is mining only possible in random encs?
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