Other > Other FOnline projects

TLA mk2 server DDOS


For anyone interested,russian wasteland is down,probably for an extended amount of time due to a DOS attack,i smell 2238 oldfag revenge,who else would have reasons to hate that game..?If it is so,please place your confession here,for the sake of lolz and glory.
P.S thanks for ruining my nerdy afternoon.

Some people need to grow up. Shit like this is only boosting hostility between FOnline projects, which in return is damaging cooperativeness of everyone. I remember how this one guy once started a DDoS on 2238. Luckily we switched our server in the same time, so it wasn't really an issue for us. Still, that idiot was even proud about it.

Cyber Jesus:
I think 2238 devs did it.


--- Quote from: Cyber Jesus on June 15, 2013, 05:05:06 pm ---I think 2238 devs did it.

--- End quote ---

Actually,the same.I used to love two fonline games,now not a single one is up.If  the troll who did this i reading,please man write someone,explain your reasons,let-s talk it out.If you made a sabotage you are surely a wasteland lover,so please,let everyone enjoy it,do not kill our dream place.Losing 2238 has been hard enough.

I take this as a joke, and that's the only reason why you are still able to post here.
One more word that even slightly resembles insinuation that we have something to do
with instability of another server and permabans will be given. You can spread bullshit
somewhere else.


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