Actually a melee guy with plasma torch is something I personally find overpowered, saw one guy killing like 6 enemies with his plasma torch (one hit - one dead) and the worst thing is that you barely hit him from one or two hexes due to in your face! perk and even snipers have problems because these builds have stonewall so yea, if you want to be extremely effective and be rambo at the same time, go for plasma torch I guess.
...basically 3 or 4 gauss pistoleros can easily kill any tank...
A close combat build overpowered in close combat? Stop the presses!No wonder devs couldn't satisfy this obnoxious community.
So you are saying that 3-4 guys can kill 1 BG guy? I was actually talking about 1v1 situation. Sure, having a team of more people is something different...
Well minigunero is also a close combat build yet it has no in your face bullshit and you need to get to one hex (have you ever tried one-hexing? I guess not because just clicking on enemy is so much easier).
That just proves how balanced this game is. I'm sorry but most of the people don't want to play a one-hexing simulator with BG builds that have no apparent weakness both in range and damage.
One hexng is for those who cant kill without it...1 avenger guy with combat armor vs 3 guys,2 with PA vindi and pulse and one ECA with gauss,i didn't even used a single super stim...
So? Thats what happens when noobs can lvl up any character fast and get free gear, Id also like to see you kill them without those retarded crits.
I bet 500caps that those guys had 1 luck without man of honor and using jet without psycho and toughness
What is man of honor?
Because it is a fun / cheat item, which was never meaned to be available for players. Well, now there are only 6 days left anyway, so who cares...
This problem will be never solved, actualy Kelin with his mates took all spawned APAMKII and raiding norhtern spawn....