Other > Events
The End Game Party
A Traitor:
--- Quote from: headshot on June 14, 2013, 07:50:17 pm ---I don't know if you can do it but it would be epic to spawn devs in the NCR bazaar and in the final hour play the Master's ending lines from Fallout 1. Actually this quote perfectly fits the situation.
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THAT, is an epic idea…
--- Quote from: Alvarez on June 14, 2013, 07:18:12 pm ---Reveal all tents and bases on Sunday.
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I think this would be great to do even now. It would give add some more gameplay for those who are not interested in Ghost Town PvP. I vote for such treasure hunting roleplay. ;D
--- Quote from: Mike Wall on June 14, 2013, 09:58:03 pm ---I think this would be great to do even now. It would give add some more gameplay for those who are not interested in Ghost Town PvP. I vote for such treasure hunting roleplay. ;D
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I like the idea. Perhaps it would draw in even more players and make things more interesting (right now we're around 65 or so). It would definitely create a ton more of PvP areas all over the desert and perhaps even revive some faction activity for the time being, who knows. If devs agree, maybe they could add an outfitter/guard team in every bigger city entrance (New Reno, SF, VC, Boneyard etc) to make equipment more accessible for base-raids?
Shit, if it doesn't work, people can always go back to GT and continue the usual PvP massacre.
I wonder, if someone is planning to make a live streaming. I'll be away during that day exactly, so now chance to participate in this final party. Some movies would be great, too.
I think we need some organization in order to get a successful ending party, devs and gm should make a post the day before which it says what kind of activities have been planned and where they take place.
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