15.08.2009 - 23.06.2013
"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Fallout Made “The Top 1Ø Post Apocalyptic Games of All Time” list.  (Read 5364 times)


  • Killian
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"Defend" from what? A bunch of interactive movies released the last few months?
Ha! I was going to say that.


  • Some random guy
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STALKER series! :D
Back In-Game :D

Mike Crosser

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STALK*error 5 could not display letter*R s*error 5 could not display letter*ri*error 5 could not display letter*s!
*error D: unrecognized command*

In that case Fallout really should be number 1. You can't beat perfection.

WHO CARES if Fallout gets recognition by some dumb site?
I mean, ok, any kind of advertisement is good in some way, but still, those ranking thingies are meaningless subjective views of some people who call themselves critics.
In this case a fella named Eric Swain, who the eff is Eric Swain? Why should I care for Eric Swain's opinion?
This list is edgy/hipstery and meaningless.
As is the site from where this Mr. Swain comes from.

Make yourself an opinion by testing stuff yourself. There is no better way.


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As much as I love Fallout, it is far from being a perfect game, if that is even possible.


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In the end, who cares. I play what I like and not what is voted to be the perfect game.

As much as I love Fallout, it is far from being a perfect game, if that is even possible.

... Ok. But it's the closest I've ever heard of.
Sadly, 2238 was closer than any oft the 3 real Fallot games... Unless BOS had the resource/crafting element...
In the end, who cares. I play what I like and not what is voted to be the perfect game.
Fair (if simplistic) enough.

I do have to say, it would be a LOT more interesting to see a list by developers and professional players...
But FO/FO2/FO:T still rules.

Mike Crosser

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The thing I minded the most about Fallout games was the bugs,bugs usually caused because the BIS had to rush to finish it.
Fallout 2 in particular had several crash issues,quests that wouldn't even start,NPCs doing strange things like throwing grenades at themselves even the damn endings were bugged.
(Also I find it sort of funny that only the good/canon endings are bugged)

Thankfully fan made patches wiped off most of the crap on the gem that is Fallout.


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Oh look, some stupid site made a top game list. I'm actually impressed Fallout is up there. I kinda want to think that the author of the article is some dumbass playing only the last two Fallout games (F3 and NV (read - the worst ones)), but since he did put up Wasteland (The original) on number 6... Makes me reconsider. Might be Fallout is the best post-apo thing you'll get nowadays... Or the game development lately has totally gone under.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.

Might be Fallout is the best post-apo thing you'll get nowadays... Or the game development lately has totally gone under.
It’s certainly possible…
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