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outragous theorys and claims!!
LagMaster can actualy fart!
over half of the forum population is actually women. They don't play the game they just like to fight on forum about who's dildo is bigger.
A Traitor:
--- Quote from: falloutdude on June 15, 2013, 10:32:30 pm ---over half of the forum population is actually women. They don't play the game they just like to fight on forum about who's dildo is bigger.
--- End quote ---
Interesting. ::)
--- Quote from: falloutdude on June 15, 2013, 10:32:30 pm ---over half of the forum population is actually women. They don't play the game they just like to fight on forum about who's dildo is bigger.
--- End quote ---
Half of them are actually transsexuals, they just use two different coverups.
Voron32 is a moron !
....no wait, thats neither a theory nor claim.
Voron32 is a mongoloidic troglodyte of a long-believed-to-be extinct primitive cavemen tribe , isolated from the outter world and inbreeding in northern canada for centuries if not millenniums. Being one of the last 3 survivors of his fellow clansmen, he has been captured by nazicommunists who noticed his extravagant stupidity that might bear the key for a brain melting weapon agent (by telepathically overcharging the victims brain with so much painful and nonsensical informations ("bullshit") till it literally overheats and implodes), quickly spawning several research groups to study him .The PC he is using was provided to him by a scientific research group who tried to effectively classify this rare and "special" (like in special olympics) specimen by studying his behavior patterns over an experimental social simulator called "fonline2238" and it's cohesive forums. The social simulator happened to be flawed and deprecated tho, as it later transpired. It has been agreed upon to punish the evil vampire cat-worshiping whale in-command with a gruesome penalty (a diet) and, without depraving it of its primal life-sustaining motivation, send it on a nutshell somewhere to southern Africa, where it could proceed its study on techniques in shoveling all sorts of animal shit, in this particular case, elephant shit.
When all crucial scientific data on voron32 was collected, carefully evaluated and discussed it has been finally revealed....
that he is just a regular moron. Nothing special.
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