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outragous theorys and claims!!

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--- Quote from: Alexandrite on June 15, 2013, 01:07:12 am ---Nice forum alt...

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Too bad cry more.


--- Quote from: NoMore on June 15, 2013, 02:09:34 am ---Too bad cry more.

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Who said I was crying? ;)

A Traitor:

--- Quote from: xsarq on June 14, 2013, 10:17:29 pm ---Sounds legit. There`s no females in the internet.
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I sincerely beleive the theory that 99% of the female players mostly play males to avoid harrasment.


--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on June 13, 2013, 08:25:23 pm ---Boon Lived is actually the infamous NCR bomber deviL nooB

--- End quote ---

Nope sorry that was me man.

VILE is a prisoner of the USA for sexual harrassment, the prison allows prisoners access to the internet for 1 hour,
this luxury provided by the criminal rights organization to allow light prisoners contact with the outside world to
prevent mental illness such as the ones vile is already showing clear symptoms of

but how did he import the game Fonline into the comperters provided by the CRO (criminal rights organization) well then here comes some theorys:

theory number one!!

he provided special favors to some of the guards in charge of security or some of the CRO employees in charge of computer maintnence ( special favors includes ******* *** **** ****** *** ***** ******** *** *****,, shineing their boots, or just being a snitch)

theory number two!

he smuggled a USB drive without greaseing some wheels prior to the action, smuggleing technique's are the fallowing;

vile smuggled the usb by shoving it down his throut or inserting it up into his rectum, or for the purpose of hiding the USB he makes an incision through the skin carfully avoiding the arterys and veins  note:the razor used may not have been sanatary it may have had human feces.

theory number three!!!

hes a crack hacker that bypassed the prisoner sensor proticals and downloaded the game but thats kinda outrageous and unlikely

note the asterix's do not stand for anything obsene its just morse code :P


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