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outragous theorys and claims!!

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--- Quote from: davrot on June 14, 2013, 04:50:52 pm ---Probably BBS
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I checked one of them some time ago, but the nick that I found didn't ring a bell,
so I just assumed it's some random pvp dudes I don't know.

Today I investigated it more carefully, each of them. All I can say... wow :)


--- Quote from: Alexandrite on June 14, 2013, 06:26:52 pm ---You guys know that guy named Kaga? He's Racoon btw

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OMG HE IS? people have found that out like months ago.

Mike Crosser:
Azura is a 37 year old high school drop out.
Also a dude.

Mitchwest and Bowlin12 are a homosexual couple

They broke up two months ago

Cyber Jesus:

--- Quote from: JovankaB on June 14, 2013, 06:32:21 pm ---Nah.

I checked one of them some time ago, but the nick that I found didn't ring a bell,
so I just assumed it's some random pvp dudes I don't know.

Today I investigated it more carefully, each of them. All I can say... wow :)

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By "investigate" you mean spy? how low can you go


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