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outragous theorys and claims!!

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Mike Crosser:
Boon Lived is actually the infamous NCR bomber deviL nooB

Boons voice has only been heard by one man... for roughly 1.7 seconds. It was a cough/mumble.

I heard you Boon... you had a mic.... that whole time.

Boon to scared to talk?

I always pictured boon as a white kid with justin beiber hair cut.


--- Quote from: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on June 13, 2013, 09:18:22 pm ---Boon to scared to talk?

I always pictured boon as a white kid with justin beiber hair cut.

--- End quote ---

In the 2-3 years he was in my mumble channel, he NEVER spoke. Only ever caught a whisper of him.

Sounded like an old young adult. (28-34)

1. lostsoul was helping people

2. daryl/knuckle/lotus is jew

--- Quote from: LostSoul on June 13, 2013, 07:20:20 am ---I have a nude picture of who is supposebly "Kitty"

--- End quote ---

fuuuuuuuuu. i like girls, but kitty is just ugly.. and nude photo of ugly girl is nothing to be proud of. yeah i seen many of her photos. anyway, have a nice fap you both are worth each other. same level.


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