Other > General Game Discussion

outragous theorys and claims!!

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--- Quote from: BLDYMSS on June 12, 2013, 11:06:25 pm ---No, The Lost Children was a one player faction created with alts. And they had 50 gas station bases and nothing else. Keep your facts straight.

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--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on June 12, 2013, 07:27:01 pm ---And Gr1m is alive and well, living the dream in New Vegas with expensive hookers n booze.

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No blackjack? What a shame.

Deathsquad has no GM support

I can shoot snipers in their faces

golden nugget does 300 throw damage on single target

there is no secret base below Vault City

I can jump behind Broken hills downtown exit grid and loot JovankaB's bra from hidden footlocker

Deathsquad is a team made of large donators.
They have platinum 2238 accounts, which allow them to be so good in PvP.

There is a huge buried in sand spaceship with aliens and alien blasters below NCR.
For 4 years players didn't find the entrance.

I have a nude picture of who is supposebly "Kitty"


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