This outfitter will only give drugs for consumption in practice.Non-legit items are removed from inventory when location is left
If you take the items/gear from the outfitter in NCR, don't place them in any of the slots (head/torso armor, weapon, etc), they will remain in your inventory when you enter Ghost Town and will become usable as any other item given there (unlike the equipment taken in "Seven Families" area, which disappears immediately after the area had been left).
The scripts are the way they are, those are the same NPCs from events held earlier in season(s), I don't think any dev is going to change them at this point.
But in earlier events the items given out aren't declared non-legit and vanish. Or makes the script those items bound to the event map?
That's is just a part of "anti-fuckup" system, although you are right.At this point it doesn't matter and could be disabled.
Some small improvements in the ghost town:1. Additional entrance on the east.2. Floor is cleaned automatically every 20 minutes.3. Boosted spawning of some better stuff and removed some cheap things from the facility containers.4. Moved the 7 famillies village between GT spawn and the ghost town. Added outfitters and guards inside.5. Items from outfitters don't disappear when you leave location