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Author Topic: best memories of 2238  (Read 22574 times)

Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2013, 11:55:04 pm »

First started the game , didnt know how to play and a german guy helped me, showed me all and we made a base together with another player alec rambsey and hondo showed us both how to play, all new and exciteing i played as a big gun crafter, the someone raped us, next session i meet a great guy jotis, sowol, geras, scy, luterus, made a base and farmed joked and just had great fun earned alot of caps great stuff, next session wanted a change of alt played as a pker with dope :p trolling and having lols then joined chosen soldiers who taught me more about game and pvp, ( jacky and sowol) joined hawks where i experinced best time of pvp meet all the hawks briilliant time even tho we lost a couple of fights  daglum, kelin, gr1m, docspad, lt dan playboy, got to learn morewith pvp, nice times, joined c8 plus Bbs were i was at home with all the crew so many to write all ere names but leon, c88 leader wat a guy they all made me at home heled me improve just want to say thank u too all c88 members you made this game enjoyable for me
Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2013, 12:44:20 am »

Best moment I had with 2238 was right after I visited the forum for the first time - approximately three weeks after playing solitarily due to nearly everyone else PK'in me most of the time; after countless attempts to loot a single AK-112; still dreaming of that fancy CA from the Stranded Rust Quest - I could not even possess without any mates. [...]

Then I met others. Xsarq gave me CAMkII and advanced weaponry. I killed my first mutant with TMA.

Finally I boosted three other new players with starting tents and gear. It took so much of my time - these were real presents to others. That felt good.

Boy. that felt good!

Nicest player I ever met: HYPERGREEN. Hyper - stay as you are  :-*

PS: I met so many total assholes in this game, too. Please stay as you are, too, because life would not be any fun without the danger of getting punkd some of the time and in return learn to adept to any

harsh environment

which Real Life most of the time is.  8)


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Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2013, 03:01:53 am »

my best moment in game was on the forum, when i had seen myself in from of Michael with 10 topics started
can you unjunk my junked topics please? wanna still be no 1 topic starter(and maybe junk roachor's)


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Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2013, 08:53:13 am »

My first step in Klamath where a sneak drived me crazy by shooting/hiding from me
Setting alarm clock to 4AM to rape Cajuns.
Seeing izual abusing GM power to bring cajuns in our base.
First gather of DA
3 - 0 for DA during the NA vs DA event
Capitulation of reeding !
And raping TTTLA just because they said "u will never rape us you are too stupid"
looting 60+ stuff during one of last fight of the alt madness period !
Blowing a whole TC gang in 5 sec with plastic trap !

Screen or didn't happen !

« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 09:10:18 am by dskpnk »


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Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2013, 10:58:32 am »

getting SG gunsmith level 3 and crafting the high level guns for my gang, seeing them enjoying their new toys.
Modoc militia
hunting ghuls with a random german guy i met in modoc (we still play some CIV on Steam sometimes) and gazoil (miss his art)

funny, best memories are from 2009/2010


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Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2013, 06:05:31 pm »

Then why are you still here?

Because I can.

May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't.


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Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #36 on: June 13, 2013, 09:29:49 pm »

i still remember Headshot (or was it Caviano..?)with his mutant skin and minigun facing CA players

I am Caviano.. It wasn't me with a mutant skin.


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Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #37 on: June 13, 2013, 09:33:00 pm »

headshot was killian D its even his forum name.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 09:34:33 pm by falloutdude »
Roaming the waste again.
Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2013, 09:02:02 am »

Sadly, I have no fond memories.
I was brought into the game about a month ago, but had to quit after only a few days because it was just too stressful. Logging off to discover at log in that I'd been killed in my sleep, thus loosing what little I had, being killed by someone I never saw while collecting fibers (that was actually the last straw), and perhaps worst of all... That I only heard about it so late. Maybe if I'd heard of it earlier, then at a point when the roller coaster of life had settled out a bit I could have come back... But that is not to be now.
Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #39 on: June 24, 2013, 03:27:31 am »

And yes, i'll tell you something: this game reveals your true nature. Bad 'n good things.
IT IS like a little, pixelated demo version of the reality.

exactly. what i always loved was how close it was to reality, and how close these interplays in and between players and gangs mirrored what happens IRL. it was like watching clockwork. i dare say i know very well some of the people i played with.


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Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #40 on: June 24, 2013, 01:28:23 pm »

@Grey @Blackeyed

That's what I was thinking many times. It's like a little world with its little society and little relationships. I'd say you maybe had even better chance to get to know the guys' true nature because when they're safely locked in their rooms on the other side of the world they're not afraid to reveal the parts of their character they might be suppressing irl.
Ok gente, temos que ficar calmos e fazer a coisa certa. Temos que matar Mushushu e o enterrar no quintal de Napalm.


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Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #41 on: June 24, 2013, 02:08:30 pm »

My best memory happened yesterday in the church in Seven Families Village, where I blocked the main entrance where people get in and out, and no one could get out. First, I got teleported to the world map. Next, I get shot at. Last, I go to jail but the doors were open so I left it. I swear it was the best. xD

May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't.
Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #42 on: June 24, 2013, 02:22:00 pm »

just a screen of the end party, so i can now delete FO folder. And not best moments at all, but was funny to fill 3 tents with unlocked cars left around Ghost Town (i guess people didn t care coz they knew they d never leave GT), and with this baby found at NCR. early bird...

edit: notice the "Kill LeMark" not-so-subliminal msg...
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 11:50:22 pm by Blackeyed »


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Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #43 on: June 24, 2013, 02:32:14 pm »

I am Caviano.. It wasn't me with a mutant skin.

Yes. It was my character, Saltwater which had mutie skin last session (Thanks, Surf!) and it was in Redding Me, along with other mutant folks was defending Redding.

OK, time to my best memories.
First of all, the best was the begining when I was completely green in this. I was chilling in Dusty's and suddenly stranger told me "hey youngster, wanna know what is it all about?" and he taught me the basics of the game mechanics. It was wonderful time to discover the features one by one. I've also managed to form a faction with my "real life" friends. We were harsh roleplayers and occasionally "guarded" the Gecko mine. Then we established first contact with foreign faction - TTTLA. First - hostile, then we became friends and did some actions together. It was a nice time, but by time, my faction was disbanded because of lack of time to play.

WWP - Wasteland Wildlife Protectors. It was a wonderful time. I remember first time I visited Redding it was for the quest. But I've spotted some guys who's not shooting me. We started to talk. I recognized some of old friends and started to guard town with them. By time, we formed a faction and the project. We've eventually allied with CS to repell attack of Rogues, SoT and their allies. IT was very "hot" time. Afternoons - farming, Evenings - very big battles. Like 40 vs 40 players + mercs in one single map! It was totally ok for me. There's raiders and there's townfolks who want to defend their beloved town. There was a good reason to fight for.

The next stage was Sarmatians. I've been loner for a long time, however I had a good contacts with TTTLA, Section 8 and even some Chosen Soldier guys by trading with them. After talk with KTTDestroyer, leader of TSAR I've joined up with all my resources, bases and equipment. I've gathered a lot of it. We've separated and big alliance was broken. Hawks allied with us and C88, VSB and TTTLA was in other side of the barricade. I've never thought about them bad, they were good people. TSAR's own project in Redding and Den was nice, even so pro-pvp players like Kilgore was impressed because we improved this what we learned during WWP Project. We even had a silent agreement with BBS. We do pvp in the Redding mines and they are not trying to retake town. Also we had secret methods to get i.e. 800hps 75%+ critchance 50% dmg res militia. There was no exploits, just harsh selection of the fittest.

I've also helped Street Queens. It was something extremaly funny and enjoyable to meet these guys, to help the rookies and simply have a good time and unity huntings and centaur safari.

Fear and his friends were also awesome people. I loved this time I've spend on idling in NCR, sometimes going out to hunt down the russian schoolkiddos near Frisco.

Oh and my "race" with John Metzger to get the Ice-Cold Killer award I've finally won with over 20 000 critters killed.

And really, thanks for this moments people. Without you, it wouldn't be the same. :)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 02:33:47 pm by headshot »


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Re: best memories of 2238
« Reply #44 on: June 24, 2013, 07:43:36 pm »

I like turtles.
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