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Games to comfort us

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If the end is true and nearing at a blinding speed, what games will you be playing?

I can say for myself I'm exploring:
- Marvel Heroes
- Fonline TLA mk2
- Maybe Diablo 2 (not LoD)

Seems like such a sad bunch of options compared to the lawlessness of 2238 :(

Mike Crosser:
Well I guess I'll go on DayZ after I get my new computer.
Only thing that resembles FOnline...

Neocron 2

Mr Feltzer:
Developing my own game, so I will be playing that.
I might also be playing SA:MP or something


--- Quote from: davrot on June 07, 2013, 12:57:50 pm ---Neocron 2

--- End quote ---

definitely gonna try this.


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